Monday, December 5, 2011

USANA 2012 International Convention Teaser - This is so EXCITING!!!!!

Hey GET, Watch this trailer NOW!

Oh yeah!

Paul Rohatensky

7:26pm Dec 5

Oh yeah!

USANA 2012 International Convention Teaser

Get ready for an event so incredible, so spectacular, so life-changing that it happens only once eve...

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Shrink-a-thon Raises $1489 for Canadian Diabetes Association



Contact:  Sheila Dancho


Phone:  204-266-3066


Fall SHRINK-A-THON Huge Success


The first ever SHRINK-a-thon in Canada to raise money for the Canadian Diabetes Associate wrapped up on Nov 28 at the Louis Riel Library in Winnipeg.  All 13 participants made a difference for the Canadian Diabetes Association by losing weight and receiving pledges during a 10 week  SHRINK-A-Thon.  Diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions in Canada.  More than 2 million Canadians have the disease and an estimated 5 million – 15 per cent of the country’s population – are pre-diabetic.  An increasing number of them are young adults and children.  Something needs to be done to change the situation and create awareness hence a SHRINK-A-Thon.


A SHRINK-A-Thon operates much like a “walk-a-thon” only instead of “walking” participants shed excess pounds.  Picture children trying to raise money for their school, as they ask neighbors to pledge 50 cents for every lap they walk, but now instead of children, think of adults working in teams to lose weight while supporting the Canadian Diabetes Association.    


The participants received training from professional weight loss coaches and a certified personal trainer on what they call the “four legs of success” that contribute to long-term permanent weight loss. To learn more about the weight loss program readers can go to:  www.HealthyWeightLossForYou.NET


Every participant lost weight and felt great.  Kyle Bloss lost the greatest % of body weight.  Her winning-losing stats are: 19 pounds (10.5% of her body weight), 2% body fat and a total of 13 inches.   Kyle said, “I found the information provided throughout the Shrink-A-Thon very useful, as well as usable (user friendly). I think what helped me most was the journaling as it forced me think about every food choice and made me very aware of the portion sizes I had been eating. There was also a great benefit to being part of a group sharing a common goal and finding support within the group. “


The group raised an incredible $1489 for the Canadian Diabetes Associate with the top fund raiser being Kim Liban personally raising $400.


The next 10 week SHRINK-a-thon program will start on Jan 9, 7 – 9:30, at the Louis Riel Library.   To pre-register or for additional information call toll free 1-877-260-6636 or email:



Thursday, December 1, 2011

Law of Attraction Bio and Saturday's Training Agenda

Hi GET Team,

We have the good fortunate of having Jeneen be one of guests trainers on Saturday included in the modest price of only $10.  Jeneen typically charges $90 per session so this is a really, really discounted price.  So don’t miss this opportunity to learn from her and experience releasing of fears and doubts that hold you back.  See you Saturday!

Sheila Dancho
Jeneen Yungwirth is a certified Law of Attraction Facilitator, coach and trainer and has worked with and presented to hundreds of people.  When Jeneen discovered how understanding this Universal Law dramatically changed the direction of her life, she knew she had to add it to her offerings.  As a health and wellness coach and meditation instructor, she found this to be the missing piece for helping people transform their lives.  If you are already familiar with the inspirational book The Secret, Jeneen will teach you the "how to" of making it happen in your life.  Jeneen can guide you through an easy 3-step process to draw positive change into any area of your life.  Jeneen has also mastered a unique process to help you release the fears and doubts that are blocking you from reaching your goals.  Jeneen's passion truly comes through when she speaks with her focus on helping people discover what area in their life needs a lift and how to transform themselves to live their best life.



Start of Something Big Workshop, Dec 3, Beausejour


Please plan to attend this important training for you to learn fundamental skills to make 2012 your BIGGEST USANA year ever!! 


Dec 3, from 8:30 am – 3:00** pm

**** time change due to many of you having previous commitments

Burgoine Station

93 - 3rd Street South

Beausejour MB,

at Lou and Helene’s Condo Conference


Potluck lunch

Cost $10 per Associate


Trainers will be Jeneen Yungwirth, Paula Carlson, Leslie Hanson, Ed Greenburgh and myself


Prerequisites:  watched the movie “The Secret”, bring Vision Board, bring a list of name with at least 20 names with phone numbers, and note book


If you are interested in attending please email me back!!!!!!!!!!!!




8:30 – 9:00 Social Media Strategies for GET 2012 by Sheila & Jasmine




9:00 – 9:45                   Law of Attraction Review by Jeneen

9:45 – 10:00       Fears Holding You Back by Sheila

10:00 – 10:30     Releasing Fears by Jeneen

10:30 – 10:50     Journey of Personal Development by Paula

10:50 – 11:00     No Friends Left?  Where to Find Prospects by Ed

11:00 – 11:10     3 way calling script and role playing by Ed and Sheila

11:10 – 11:30     Home Based Business Write Offs by Ed

11:30 – 12:30     Building Tips from Jordon Kemper by Sheila

12:30 – 1:00       Lunch

1:00 – 1:15                   Healthy for Life Program vs U-Weight Loss by Brittany

1:15 – 1:45                   Dissection of Compensation Plan by Sheila

1:45 – 2:15                   Presenting and Handling Objections by Sheila

2:15 – 2:30                   Go For No by Sheila

2:30 – 3:00                   How to Sell Products by Leslie


Also, there will be gifts of FREE books graciously donated by Carol Runions and FREE USANA CDs of various kinds.