Thursday, March 29, 2012

GET Update - new conference numbers, business cards ready to order, new domain name, MB Events Schedule


Dear Global Energy Team,


New Tuesday Morning Conference Telephone Number starting Tuesday, April 3 at 10 am CT.  We will continue the book study by reviewing John C Maxwell “Developing the Leader Within You”:

Chapter 6 The Extra Plus In Leadership:  Attitude

Chapter 7 Developing Your Most Appreciable Asset :   People.


Please read the chapters and be prepared to share your thoughts and insights to the topics.  If you don’t have the book, do partake in the conference call because you will still learn how to develop your leader within you.


Your TOTALLY FREE Conference Telephone Number:
(218) 237-3840

Participant Passcode:

Moderator Pin:

Your TOTALLY FREE Conference Replay Number:
(218) 237-3850

Issue Date: 3/29/2012 5:10:03 AM

Check your email for account information regarding your conference dial in number and commands. You will also receive a second email that can be forwarded to all your conference participants which allows you to enter the date, time and conference subject.


To begin conferencing
Notify participants of the dial in number (218) 237-3840, pass code, along with the date and time of the conference. All participants will call the same dial in number, and enter the same pass code followed by the # key. Press 1 to confirm pass code. The conference will begin in Interactive Mode (all participants will be able to talk). Participant keys can be used by all callers on the conference call.

Entering access codes
The host of the conference should enter the Moderator Pin followed by the # key, and then press 1 to confirm the Moderator Pin. Participants should enter the participant pass code provided to you followed by the # key. Press 1 to confirm pass code. Now you can begin Conferencing!

Record your conference
To record your conference call: Enter your conference as a Moderator then press *9 to record. The system will prompt you to enter a recording number followed by the pound key. At that point you can enter any number, up to 8 digits, for your filename. I suggest maybe the dates of your calls, i.e. 012009. To stop the recording, press *9 again or just hang up the speaker line.

FREE replay line

  1. For participants to listen to your recording:
    (218) 237-3850
  2. Enter the Conference access code followed by the pound key.
  3. Then enter the recording number followed by the pound key that was used to record the call.

FREE digital downloads
We are pleased to present a hassle free way for you to access your conference call recordings immediately after your call has concluded. Download wav files of all your recordings ABSOLUTLEY FREE. You no longer have to waste time waiting for your recorded call to be sent to you. Simply log into our web portal and view all of your recordings for that month. Files are deleted after 30 days, so be sure to download your calls to your desktop within that time frame.
You'll receive your download instructions via email.

User Guide - During the Conference
Moderator Commands:
Press *2 - call count of participants
Press *3 - exit conference
Press *4 - help menu
Press *5 - presentation mode - mute all listeners
Press *6 - mute individual line
Press *7 - lock conference
Press *8 - entry tone options
Press *9 - record

Participant Commands:

Press *3 - exit conference
Press *4 - help menu
Press *6 - mute individual line


Global Energy Team Facebook Fan Page *** Like it today


It will be used to educate, motivate and celebrate the Global Energy Team.  To ensure its success and help all of your to take your businesses to the next level I need you to like the page.


So far there are 40 GET Associates that like the page which is a fraction of the Associates that are working the business.  So if you haven’t yet, click on the link and LIKE the page. 


As a team, I want all of you, posting your upcoming event, new associates joining, accomplishments, team member pictures.  Let’s make this truly a GET team page.



Global Energy Team Website  *** New Domain Name


I have purchased our  new domain name without THE.  The website is now


The test site is starting to come together with a high energy look and feel.  The members page has about 12 members but we would like more.  If you haven’t already email me a picture with your name and I will send that to Brett our web developer.


Order New Global Energy Team business cards


The new Global Energy Team business cards are ready to order.  The cards will be printed by UPS Winnipeg Square.  Please email  the following info:


Phone number (one only)

Email address

Picture (head shot)



The final cards on 110lb silk cardstock, laminated with the top left and bottom right corners rounded 250 cards for $64 plus tax and shipping.




USANA Manitoba Events for 2012



Beausejour, Super Saturday Training,  March 31


8:30 am – 1:00 pm at 3rd st., Burgeone Station followed by potluck lunch



Michael Callejas, 1 Star Diamond Director in Winnipeg



Michael Callejas, 1 Star Diamond Director, Growth 25 in 2009 and 2010, Fortune 100 in 2009 and 2010 and member of U.S. IDC will be in Winnipeg helping us aspire to climb as high as we can dream.  After a few challenges with his heavy travel schedule, Colin and I have been able to secure Michael to be in Winnipeg for two amazing events.  Michael is a Gen Y master of duplication and we have the privilege of learning how he does it on Monday night.  Also the training on Monday will help us prepare to have an amazing business building event on Tuesday night which will be focused on Gen Y but not excluding the rest of us either.  I recommend inviting anyone who is interesting in learning how to earn a residual income.  Unfortunately, Michael will not be able to do any house presentations due to his tight schedule and USANA having a last minute event that involves him. 



          Monday, April 30, Doors Open at 7:00 pm. Training starts 7:30  – 9:30 pm, Training “The Art of Gen Y Duplication”


          Tuesday, May 1, Doors Open at 7:00pm. Event starts at 7:30 – 9:00 pm, Presentation “Wealth Creation for Gen Y



          Viscount Gort Hotel for both evenings



          $25 per person for both events (1 ticket will get you into both events) ALL Guests are free. You will receive 5 Guests tickets when you purchase your ticket. 



          Tickets and flyers will be available next week.  Please email Colin James Trakalo or Shelli Paolucci for tickets.





Nancy On, Diamond Director Women’s Event in Winnipeg, Wednesday, June 13



Global Energy Team party at D Island, July 7



Jordan Kemper, Dr. Carter and Dr. Herschuk, Sept ??



Jeremy Stanfield, Alexander Denk and Leanne Greschuk, Oct 6

Victoria Inn, All Day Training, $30 per Associate includes lunch


Global Energy Team Facebook Fan Page *** Like it today


I have BIG, BIG plans for all of us in 2012.   Step 1 was the development of a facebook fan page for the Global Energy Team.  It will be used to educate, motivate and celebrate the Global Energy Team.  To ensure its success and help all of your to take your businesses to the next level I need you to like the page.


So far there are 37 GET Associates that like the page which is a fraction of the Associates that are working the business.  So if you haven’t yet, click on the link and LIKE the page. 


As a team, I want all of you, posting your upcoming event, new associates joining, accomplishments, team member pictures.  Let’s make this truly a GET team page.





Dream Big!


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist

Million Dollar Club  Member



Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How-To: Create Your Own Vision, Gratitude Boards



What's Up, USANA? — USANA How-To: Create Your Own Vision, Gratitude Boards

USANA How-To: Create Your Own Vision, Gratitude Boards

Posted: 27 Mar 2012 06:33 AM PDT

Kathleen Rockney, USANA Gold Director

What a treat! Kathleen Rockney, USANA Gold Director and good friend of social media, has agreed to share the following post with What's Up, USANA? readers.

You might remember last August she shared her valuable list of tips to get the most out of USANA's International Convention. It was one of our most-read posts in 2011!

So we're extremely excited that she offered to write the following post, which takes you step-by-step through the creation of vision and gratitude boards.

Thank you, Kathleen!

Over 20 years ago, I put together a collage of photos of desires of mine and called it my "Treasure Map". On it were several items, including the layout for a 5-bedroom home, that actually came to fruition within a few years of making it. WOW! I was hooked on the concept of visualization!

In the past few years, my mentor, Ruby Director Patti Roney, has stressed both vision and gratitude as ways to keep us on our paths. It took me a few years to finally sit down and actually make a version of what I'd done 20 years ago.

This time, using Patti's words of wisdom, I wanted to honor those things that I'm also grateful for! Thus was the birth of my wall of Vision and Gratitude Boards.

Now, it's time to "pay it forward" so I'd like to share the how-to's, so you can do the same! And, at the bottom, I'll share a final important tip that shifted me from wanting to make these, to actually doing it!


Step 1

First, purchase 2-4 cork boards. You'll want a minimum of two (one for vision and one for gratitude), but you may want to increase it to four if you feel that what you want to display simply won't fit on one set. Some cork boards come framed (like mine), and some don't. Either is fine.

But be sure to look at the cork board's mounting instructions before you purchase your set, to make sure you're comfortable with how it will mount on your wall. Also, pick up a package of clear thumbtacks.

Purchase 2-4 cork boards for your project

Step 1: Purchase 2-4 cork boards for your project, as well as a package of clear thumbtacks.


Step 2

Then, take the time to go through your own photos, plus magazines and catalogs, to find pictures that either depict what you're grateful for, or what you desire. Be bold on the desire side!!! And, with basic computer skills, you can also print out pictures that you find online.

Gather photos and pictures. Don't worry about making it look perfect.

Step 2: Gather photos and pictures. Be bold with your selections!


Step 3

Next, take your gratitude photos, sayings, pictures, etc., and start to place them on the cork board that you've designated for gratitude. Don't worry about empty spaces or symmetry or "perfection". Just enjoy placing them on the cork board!

Once you like the look, use the clear thumbtacks to hold your collage in place. As you can see, my gratefulness spilled onto two boards!

Start placing photos and pictures. Don't worry about making it look perfect.

Step 3: Start placing photos and pictures that you've designated for gratitude. Don't worry about making it look perfect.


Step 4

Now that you're filled with gratefulness, start placing your "desire" or "vision" photos, pictures and sayings on the board allotted for your vision. Again, don't worry about perfection or empty spaces.

Once you like the look, pin it in place with your clear thumbtacks. I let my vision board spill onto another board as well, making one board about home and self, and the other about desired travel and getaways!

Start placing your

Step 4: Start placing your "desire" or "vision" photos, pictures and sayings on the board designated for your vision.


Step 5

Now you're ready to mount them on your wall. Follow the instructions that came with your cork boards, and get ready to mount them on your office wall or office "nook" wall, so you can see them multiple times of the day.

Find a perfect spot on your office wall. You want them easily seen by you as you work in your home office. You want to be filled with gratefulness and joy every time you look up!

Now you're ready to mount the boards on your wall. Make sure you select a place where you'll see them multiple times a day.

Step 5: Now you're ready to mount the boards on your wall. Make sure you select a place where you'll see them multiple times a day.


I chose to hang my vision boards first (on the left) and the gratitude boards second (on the right). My goal? As I accomplish something, I want to move it from Vision to Gratitude!

My biggest "Ah-Ha" was that my gratitude board could have easily been my vision board of 7 years ago.

My boards, with vision on the left and gratitude on the right.

The Finished Project: My boards, with vision on the left and gratitude on the right.

The Key Tip

Finally, the tip that moved me from wanting to do this to actually doing this — Set up a Vision and Gratitude Board workshop and invite your friends, family, and USANA team members!

One of my partners, Karen Sully, hosted our workshop in her gorgeous home, and she laid out scissors, paper cutters, and packets of stickers and sayings to help in our creations!

By having a set date, two weeks in advance, I used my time to get my boards, and gather photos and pictures. By the end of the workshop, I had 3 of the 4 boards pinned, and I was well on my way to having these posted for my pleasure.

One More Thing…

Now, do it! And please let me know how they turn out!

How About You?

We'd love to see your own Vision Board creations. Please feel free to post photos on the USANA Facebook page!

Be in the know! Follow USANA on Twitter and like our USANA Facebook page for the latest news and notes.



Recent Activity:

·         New Members 1

·         New Files 1

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Attention all Usana MB!!!!!!!!!! Jennifer Heil in today Wpg Sun

There is a great article of Jennifer Heil in TODAY'S Winnipeg Sun that has a picture with our banners and Jenn mentions USANA in the article.  YOU NEED YOUR TEAMS TO PICK IT UP TODAY!!!!!!!!


Also, I have included the Athlete Event Special for this week......UNTIL THIS SATURDAY MIDNIGHT!!!


Please forward to your teams!!!!!!!!!!!


Awesome day yesterday!!!!!!

