Friday, October 18, 2013

USANA testimony for cluster of mini migraines

My name is Jennifer. A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Horton's
syndrome. It is clusters of mini migraines that go off at all time in your
head. The neurologist had put me on Flunazarine. The medication stopped the
migraines but side affects cause stomach issues that my doctor then had to
put me on Raveprazole. My health just kept deteriorating. I was coming home
from work dead tired and falling asleep. It would take everything I had to
get through a day at work and I would have nothing left when I got home.
I heard about Usana and decided to try it in July of this year. After
speaking with Naomi and with Sheila's guidance I started on Essentials,
Active Calcium Plus, Biomega and Hepa Plus. Two weeks after being on these
vitamins I stopped taking the Flunazarine and the Raveprazole. I have not
had any headaches or stomach issues since. I have not renewed either
prescription. I am gaining energy and starting to feel like my old self but
better. I also tried the reset and between that and the vitamins I have lost
8 pounds. This has been one of the best decisions I have made, I am getting
my life back.

Jennifer Henderson

Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Global Energy Team,


Fall has arrived! With hanging leaves, a crisp breeze, and bursts of color wherever you look, you’re reminded that transformation is everywhere. The horizon is bright, and fulfilling, and from my heart to yours, thank you for being part of the Global Energy Team on this journey with me.  Let’s continue sharing  Dr. Wentz’s vision “I dream of a world free from disease. The USANA family will be the healthiest family on earth. Share my vision.”  Thank you Dr. Wentz for changing my life so dramatically and the lives of the people I touch with your vision.




Dream Big!


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist

Million Dollar Club  Member



Sunday, October 6, 2013



Je me nomme Kabore Hamed, je représente un groupe de 320 villageois regroupés en une coopérative d'orpailleurs ici au Burkina-Faso. 

Nous recherchons des partenaires partout dans le monde pour nous aider à vendre notre marchandise et a améliorer notre système de 

Jusqu'à présent, nous travaillons manuellement et cela nous cause beaucoup de dommages et de pertes. Nous avons un site très riche et 
très rentable, mais nous ne produisons que 2 à 3 kilogrammes D'or brut (22.05 carats et plus) par semaine, alors que nous pouvons faire 
beaucoup mieux si nous avions des équipements moderne. A ce jour nous avons un stock de 37 Kilos seulement. 

C'est pour cela que nous nous adressons à tous ceux qui voudront bien se joindre à nous avec leur expertise pour qu'ensemble nous 
puissions trouver une solution pour travailler en toute sécurité et améliorer note production puis partager les gains. 

Si vous pouvez contribuer n'hésitez pas à nous écrire, nous vous donnerons plus d'informations 


K. Hamed 

TEL - 00226 62733556 