Saturday, February 22, 2014
Le16 dйcembre 1863 HEINEKEN est crйe avec une marque qui dispose
d'une forte identitй publicitaire , au
Royaume-Uni, aux USA, au Canada et plus rйcemment en Afrique. Sur le
marchй des biиres en Afrique, la marque HEINEKEN est dominante avec 50
% de parts de marchй depuis 2000. La HEINEKEN, s'exporte aux quatre
coins du globe. Ainsi, la marque HEINEKEN est dйsormais associйe aux
valeurs de force, de patience et de bon vivre.
Dans le souci unique de faire dйcouvrir et promouvoir son
expansion а travers le monde entier depuis sa 150иme Anniversaire, la
HEINEKEN organise une tombola pour vous chers internautes.
A cet effet, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que vous кtes
l'heureux gagnant d'un prix forfaitaire d'une somme de (80000 Euros) а
la PROMOTION HEINEKEN portant votre adresse email basй sur l'exercice
de la sйlection alйatoire des sites web, vous aviez йtй choisis au
hasard parmi plus de 100.000 sites Internet.
En outre il faudra confirmer votre identitй complиte et rйclamer
votre gain auprиs de l'huissier de justice chargй de l'homologation du
tirage et de la remise du prix, Maоtre HUGUES DECHAVANNE en lui envoyant
vos informations а l'adresse Email: ou
NOM : ...........................
PRЙNOMS :...........................
SEXE: AGE: ...........................
ЙTAT CIVIL: ...............................
PAYS : VILLE: .............................
N° DE TЙLЙPHONE (Inclure le code du pays) :
Et aussi, il faudrait vous noter que votre Numйro de Qualification
est le (CXY 007-0121-BAF/2706-08) et peut кtre demandй dans les
йchanges de correspondance a effectuй avec notre Compagnie HEINEKEN et
le Cabinet jusqu'au retrait de votre gain.
NB: Date limite d'envois de votre demande de revendication du prix:
Ce courrier électronique ne contient aucun virus ou logiciel malveillant parce que la protection avast! Antivirus est active.
USANA Made Vids - 5 Myths of Supplements
Hey GET Team,
Here are 5 fantastic videos that can help you build your business. We are using them in Winnipeg during some of the Health & Freedom Presentations.
Sheila Dancho
Myth # 1 - I can get everything I need from my food.
Myth # 2 - It seems like I pee out all my vitamins anyway, so why should I bother taking them?
Myth # 3 - All vitamins are the same, so I'll just get the cheapest bottle.
Myth # 4 - One pill a day is all I really need.
Myth # 5 - I don't need to take more than the Recommended Daily Allowance.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Delta sale - fly from Winnipeg to Salt Lake roundtrip for convention for only $419 CAD
Hey GET,
Are you planning to come to the USANA International Convention?????
If yes, book your flights today. Delta is having an incredible sale. You can fly roundtrip from Winnipeg to Salt Lake for only $419 CAD. WOW!! That’s half the price of last year.
Booked Today. It’s the best thing you can do for your business.
Dream Big!
Sheila Dancho
Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist
Million Dollar Club Member
Monday, February 10, 2014
Jordan Kemper's list of questions he asks during his newspaper presentation
Hey GET,
You have been asking for it and here it is the list of questions Jordan Kemper asks during his newspaper presentation. I recommend studying his newspaper presentation and practicing it and then go out an share it with your prospects.
Follow the link below to learn from one of USANA’s best.
Dream Big!
Sheila Dancho
Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist
Million Dollar Club Member
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Winter Tune Up Training and Contest starts tomorrow with guest speakers John & Susanne Cunningham
From: Sheila Dancho []
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 9:36 AM
Subject: Winter Tune Up Training and Contest starts tomorrow with guest speakers John & Susanne Cunningham
Global Energy Team Winter Tune-Up Training
To assist with growth and support for the entire Global Energy Team, I am launching the Winter Tune-up Training camp for all the new Associates and veteran Associates. It starts Monday, Feb 3, 8:30 – 9:30 pm Central Time for 9 Monday nights ending March 31. The training synchronizes with the Winter Tune-Up Contest (see details below). Here are the topics I am planning to cover.
To kick off the training, I am excited to announce that John & Susanne Cunningham will be on the first call explaining how to use Being LASERFocused Your Roadmap to Success book and methodology to create massive momentum within your organization for 2014. Purchasing the book is a pre-requisite. To purchase the book and receive online support materials go to
So get pumped up and spread the word to your team.
Feb 3 - Your Roadmap to Success explained by John & Susanne Cunningham
– Contest explained by Sheila Dancho
Feb 10 - Prospecting – Circles of Influence, 100 names list, going beyond warm market
Feb 17 - Objections - What are they? How to neutralize them? By Phyllis Keegan
Feb 24 - How to do an awesome Presentation
March 3 - Follow-up and Follow-through by Shirlea Frederick
March 10 - Dissection of the Compensation Plan and Enrollment Packages
March 17 - Why are you in this business?
March 24 - 4 Corner Stones of Belief & Commitment, Breezing through FEARS
March 31 - Know Your Team to Successfully Grow and Winners Announced
I will be using the Go To Meeting application for my slide presentations so the first time you are joining the meeting give yourself an extra 10 minutes for setup to make sure your speakers are working properly. Please call your downline and get them excited about the contest and the training.
1. Please join my meeting.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial +1 (267) 507-0011
Access Code: 610-305-541
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 610-305-541
Online Meetings Made Easy®
Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® device via the GoToMeeting app.
Training requirements
Purchase and review of the Laser Focus book by Susanne Cunningham, who is your upline Diamond Director and my personal coach, mentor and sponsor. I have reached the level of Emerald Director and Million Dollar Club by using her Laser Focus methodology. It is simple, easy and so very effective. To purchase the book and receive online support materials go to
and like the Laser Focus Book Facebook site for support
Global Energy Team Winter Tune-up Contest
I have a Sensé Deluxe Package and a RESET Kit available for you to win with the Winter Tune-up Contest. The top two Associates who earn the most points from Feb 1 – March 28 will win prizes. The number one Associate will win a Sensé Deluxe Package and the number two Associate will win a RESET Kit. Plus a free Healthy Home book will be given to anyone scoring more than 15 points.
You earn points by sponsoring Associates and Pcs, by attending the webinar trainings and retailing Sensé Deluxe Packages or RESET kits. A minimum of 20 points is required to earn either the Sensé Deluxe kit or the RESET kit. Here are the details:
Professional Package | 12 points |
Entrepreneur Package | 5 points |
3 business centers customized | 4 points |
Builders Package | 2.5 points |
1 business center customized | 2 points |
Preferred Customer | 1 point |
Retail Sensé Deluxe Kit | 1 point |
Retail RESET Kit | 1 point |
Re-active an Associate on 100 point Auto-order | 2 points |
Re-active a Preferred Customer on 50 point Auto-order | 1 point |
Participate in Webinar training 1 point each time | 1 point |
You will be responsible for tracking your points and activity on a weekly basis and sending them to me to share on the GET Facebook site. Weekly winners will be acknowledged at the beginning of the training webinar each week. We are going to have so much fun learning, sharing and celebrating your successes as build momentum together.
Dream Big!
Sheila Dancho
Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist
Million Dollar Club Member