Friday, March 28, 2014

Your ProCoach Connection Newsletter - benefits and tips of going "all-in"

Hello GET, I am forwarding this email to you because of the benefits and tips of going “all-in” to attract the Life of Your Dreams.  Are you “all-in” for your USANA business.  Email me back…I would like your feedback on this article.



From: []
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 3:09 PM
Subject: Your ProCoach Connection Newsletter


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March 2014 Issue




Dear Sheila,

What is the number one predictor of success among aspiring entrepreneurs? There are many qualities and factors involved however I believe the one that trumps all others is the person's level of commitment to achieve their goal. In his classic book 'Think and Grow Rich' Napoleon Hill called it 'burning desire. I call it full commitment; 100% commitment; or going all-in.

Those who are most successful don't just want success. They are deeply determined and will do whatever it takes. Harv Eker was like that when I was his business coach. Since then I have coached a significant number of entrepreneurs, investors and self-employed business owners who literally have gone from rags to seven-figures in less than three years using our coaching program. All of them have had an intense focus on their business; in fact you might call it an obsession.

I had the importance of commitment reinforced last summer when I decided to take a class in improv comedy. The very first day our instructor made it clear. "Commit 100% to the role you are playing. If you put any attention at all on what the audience is thinking or whether you look stupid etc., you will crash and burn." Apply this principle to achieving your goals and it will serve you well.

Someone once told me that the reason Samurai warriors are so invincible is that they come to peace with their own death before entering a battle. This means they have no fear and are truly 'all-in' while their opponents are distracted and less effective because part of their attention is focused on self-preservation.

Here are 5 benefits of going 'all-in'

1) Decision-making becomes easy: Life is full of choices however when you are fully committed to a particular outcome making a decision is simple. You simply assess the options and take the action that moves you towards your goal. It is when you have conflicting priorities or your commitment is tentative that you struggle to decide what to do.

2) Obstacles don't stop you: There is a saying, "Obstacles are things that get in the way when you take your eye off the goal." When you are 100% committed obstacles don't stop you. Instead you find ways to turn the obstacles into opportunities. The obstacles energize and actually deepen your commitment thus increasing the liklihood that you will reach your goal. Not only that, but when you are fully committed you encounter fewer obstacles because others who are less resolved just let you have what you want or stay the heck out of your way!

3) Commitment shows you who you are: Being fully committed to achieving something engages and calls forth parts of you that are simply not evident day-to-day. You dig deep and get seemingly impossible results. In fact until you have experienced being 100% committed you have no idea what you are capable of. Go all-in for a goal and you will amaze yourself with what you can do.

4) Motivation is not an issue: Do you ever procrastinate or struggle with motivation? This is simply not an issue for a person who is fully committed. Here's an example. Think about a mother whose child screams unexpectedly in the middle of the night. Does she need to motivate herself to get up? Not likely! No matter how tired she is, any resistance she has is completely overwhelmed by the strength of her commitment to her child. It is never a burden to do what needs to be done to accomplish a goal you are deeply and passionately committed to achieving.

5) Being committed attracts people to your cause: Have you ever seen someone who was giving 100% to something and was struggling? If so, a part of you probably felt a desire to help them. The same dynamic will work for you. When you are fully, passionately committed to something and giving everything you have, you will attract people willing to offer support, assistance and resources.

Here are some tips for going 'all-in'

1) Don't hold anything back: It is the last 10 - 20% of commitment that makes all the difference. Working towards a goal or 'trying to' achieve it is nowhere near as effective as 'going for it'. Identify a goal you really want to achieve and evaluate where you are holding something back or playing safe. Then step on the gas!

2) Commit to the result: Most people commit to the process, to doing their best. No! Commit to achieve your exact desired goal in full - no compromises! That will force you to dig deeper and adjust your plan as you go.

3) Commitment is in the moment: You can't commit to what you will do tomorrow. The action you take right now is the only true demonstration of your commitment.

4) Commit to only one goal: Full commitment takes a lot of your energy and attention. Focus exclusively on achieving one goal that is more important to you than anything else.

5) No back doors: If you have a stepped-down plan B or alternative goal, your chances of achieving your primary goal diminish significantly.

It requires an extraordinary person to go all-in like this. That is why so few people do it. The price you pay is likely to be steep. But there is one tremendous benefit. When you commit 100% you will almost certainly achieve your goal and, in the process, you will become a person who achieves their goals!

Your Coach,

Andrew Barber-Starkey, Master Certified Coach
Founder and President, ProCoach Success System
NOTE: A few days after writing this newsletter I watched a movie called "Rush" about a rivalry between two Formula One race car drivers. It is a true story and a brilliant movie. If you want an example of the concept of "full commitment" I would recommend that you watch it and pay attention to the character of Nikki Lauda.

Would you like to receive private Business Coaching from Andrew?
Email or call 604-983-8051 for details


To view back issues of The ProCoach Connection, click here

The ProCoach Success System is a coaching program designed specifically to help self-employed small business owners to achieve their goals faster and with less effort. The program was launched in 2000 and since then over 5000 people have used our tools, training, support and community to get ahead in their businesses and their lives. ProCoach Founder and President Andrew Barber-Starkey is a Master Certified Coach residing in North Vancouver, Canada.

Please forward this e-newsletter to your friends and colleagues. Your referrals enable us to grow and serve more people.


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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 8 Winter Tune-up Training NEW LINK - Breaking Through Fears by Phyllis Keegan and Becky Saunders


Hey Global Energy Team,


Hasn't everyone experienced fear in their lives? Of course, we all have.  What's interesting is how we change or don't change as a result of it. JOIN us Monday night March 24th  7:30pm MST (8:30pm CST) for week 8 of our WINTER TUNE UP TRAINING:


"The 4 Corner Stones of Belief & Commitment, Breezing through FEARS"


As you likely already know, Sheila is having surgery on his day and therefore this engaging session will be facilitated by myself.  We all look forward to seeing Sheila's "new look" 


Please send Week 7 points to Sheila. 






GOTO MTG - Breaking Through Fears


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Thursday, March 13, 2014

John Cunningham and Rory Jones tonight only Winnnipeg health and freedom and special training

Hello GET Manitoba


Make it a point to attend tonights health and freedom at the Viscount Gort Hotel, 1670 Portage Ave. at 7:30 pm.


Rory Jones top 25 income earner in Canada will be presenting.


John Cunningham will be doing the training.  He will present the same closing topic he used for the Canadian national conference last weekend which received raved reviews from all the leaders and attendees.  So if you missed the Toronto XRC here is your opportunity to capture some of that positive, motivating energy.  


I am looking forward to seeing and connecting with as many GET Manitoba team members as possible tonight. J


Sheila Dancho



Sunday, March 9, 2014

Eating Mushrooms Daily Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer

Eating Mushrooms Daily Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer


I'd like to share something that is an important yet little-known fact.  Eating mushrooms everyday reduces a woman's chance of getting breast cancer by 64%.  At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Dr. Joel Fuhrman shared this fact.  He has done a lot of work in the area of strengthening the immune system through food.   Mushrooms are not high in micronutrients, but they have certain properties that help prevent cancer. (For example, they contain antigen-binding lectins which bind to abnormal cells and "label" them for the immune system so it can target and destroy them.)  It is best to eat a mix of various kinds of mushrooms, but even the simple white everyday mushrooms we find in most grocery stores are effective, and as little as 1/10 of a cup everyday has an effect.  With so much publicity and money going toward finding a cure, Dr. Fuhrman thinks we should be letting everyone know that eating mushrooms can be a part of PREVENTION for this disease.  Work mushrooms into your diet, ladies, (salads, meatloaf, etc.) whenever you can!  (This is not meant to be a comment on mushrooms in supplement form.  Dr. Fuhrman was talking about real food.)  I had never heard this before, and I'm betting there are a lot of women in the world like me.  


GET Healthy J


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist

Million Dollar Club  Member



Tuesday, March 4, 2014

FW: Don't Miss John Cunningham's March 4 Power of 11 Call - Facing Your Fears

Hello GET!!!

What's holding you back from the success you deserve.  FEAR??? I know fear holds me back at times as well.  How high would you go in USANA if you knew you could not fail???  Gold, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond…..   I encourage all of you to participate in tonight's Power of 11 Call by my sponsor and mentor John Cunningham.  It may be the very thing you need to attract fastest your "Life of Your Dreams".



From: USANA Health Sciences []
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 1:23 PM
Subject: Don't Miss John Cunningham's March 4 Power of 11 Call


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