Tuesday, October 28, 2014

New and Exciting Global Energy Team website

Hello Global Energy Team


Check out the new and exciting GET website www.globalenergyteam.com  


A big thank you goes to Brett Trombo for creating such an amazing website which captures the look and feel that Jasmine and I had 3 years ago.  Job well done!!!!


It has a new welcome video, new TEAM page and new TRAINING page.  I want to thank you all of you for submitting your photo for the team page.  They look great.


The TRAINING page has 3 sections Conference Call Training, Training Documents and Videos.  Currently the Conference Call Training and the Videos are the same but the plans are to recording actually training videos and post them.  The webinars that were recorded in 2013 and 2014 were recorded and available for you to listen to now. The Training Documents are incomplete at the moment and Brett will be finishing this page in January when he graduates as an engineer.


To access the training you need to enter the “username” as GET and the “password” as dreambig     

These are case sensitive and must be enter exactly as this email outlines.  Do not give the username and password to any none GET team members.  This is only for the Global Energy Team.


The following is the GET mission statement:


We are a global team of entrepreneurs providing powerful training and support to our members whose dream is to create financial abundance without limits. Together we promote long term health, both in our own lives and in the lives of others, by building on a foundation of honesty and integrity. We have chosen the professional and scientific expertise of USANA Health Sciences as our vehicle to accomplish our mission.


Empowering Your Dreams J


Sheila Dancho

(204) 266-3066







Thursday, October 16, 2014

5 Myths of Supplementation - new links that you can use to help you educate your prospects

Hey Global Energy Team,


I am sending you 5 short videos that are very entertaining and informative that deal with the 5 common myths of supplementation.  Please use them to educate your prospects.


New Links


Myth # 1 -  I can get everything I need from my food. 


Myth # 2 -  It seems like I pee out all my vitamins anyway?


Myth # 3 -  All vitamins are the same, so I'll just get the cheapest bottle.


Myth # 4 -  One pill a day is all I really need.


Myth # 5 -  I don't need to take more than the Recommended Daily Allowance. 



Empowering Your Dreams J


Sheila Dancho

(204) 266-3066


