Tuesday, July 26, 2016

**** Webinars In Preparation for Convention! Tonight at 8 pm CST register to be on webinar

USANA Health Sciences

Hi Global Energy Team

Please register for these 2 upcoming training calls with USANA Research & Development team to help us understand the upcoming revolutionary product announcement. 


Paul Dueck still has a couple of convention tickets available for $225 if anyone wants to join the team at convention for this revolutionary announcement.


Sheila Dancho

GET Founder

From: USANA Canada [mailto:usana@updates.usana.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 7:33 PM
To: sdancho@mymts.net
Subject: Webinars In Preparation for Convention!


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Dear Sheila,

Get ready for Convention!
In just six short weeks, USANA Associates will be participating in USANA's biggest scientific reveal of the year!
There will be an amazing amount of ground breaking science revealed at this year's Convention in Salt Lake City. To help prepare your mind to receive this amazing information, we have organized two exclusive webcast trainings hosted by members of our Research and Development team. During these exclusive webcast trainings, the foundational science behind our amazing products will be explained.
Be sure to mark your calendars and please invite your team members to participate as well. We want all our synapses firing so we are prepared to absorb the great news being revealed at Convention.
Tuesday July 26 – USANA Innovation
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1222923387955200003
Tuesday August 9 – Cellular Intelligence
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2193401828653571843

After registering, you will receive an email with the webinar link, as well as the number and access code to join.

Here is some information about the members of our Research & Development team hosting these calls:
Toni McKinnon, RN, CCRP: Director of Health and Science Education
As a co-author of several scientific, peer-reviewed manuscripts regarding USANA's innovative nutrition compounds, Toni's extensive expertise led to her creating USANA's Ask the Scientists and the weekly Essentials of Health eNewsletter.
Russ Barton, MS, CNS, CISSN: Senior Nutrition Scientist and Manager, Nutrition Spotlight, Health and Science Education

Russ has written more than 500 research-related articles and answered 120,000+ health- and product-related questions. A senior nutrition scientist in the Department of Health and Science Education, most people in USANA know him as the "Ask the Scientist Guy."
Austin Winegar, BS: Ask the Scientists and Essentials of Health Manager
Austin's knowledge of biology, chemistry, and sports nutrition is shared through the presentations and educational materials he creates for the department, public speaking, and maintaining the Ask The Scientists website.

We look forward to hosting you on these important webcasts!

Love life and live it,
USANA Canada


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