Join the Global Energy Team to experience this year's Canadian Convention by LIVESTREAM to my house.
We will watch the events as they unfold live in my basement 80 inch big screen & surround-sound TV (aka Garry's man-cave).
We start 10:30 am CST (Winnipeg time) and end at 7 pm CST (Winnipeg time). Click GOING if you can attend the event.
If you are traveling from out of town (Norway House or Brandon etc...) I have 2 guest bedrooms for team members to stay over on Friday and Saturday if they would like.
Limited seating of only 20 spaces. Reserve your space NOW by click GOING
We will have a healthy pot luck lunch so please bring a dish to share. I will be providing the healthy snacks and bevvies.
The forecast is 7c so bring comfortable walking shoes and enjoy the fresh spring air during lunch.
Touching & Transforming People’s Lives,
Sheila Dancho
(204) 266-3066