Wednesday, April 11, 2018

USANA Manitoba - April 14th Celavive Spa Experience 11 am - 12 pm, Best Western Airport Hotel - Are you attending?



Have you used Celavive yet?  My skin love, love, loves it and the results are amazing.  Your skin will love it too when it has a Celavive experience.


If you haven't had a Celavive Facial yet join me on Saturday as USANA Manitoba Presents – A Celavive Facial Experience  featuring Jennifer Rae, Director of Canadian Field Development.


If you are currently using Celavive that is awesome!! Then plan to attend the event with a guest and stay for the afternoon to learn more about this revolutionary skin line.


I have providing products and hosting a table for 6 guests.  I currently have a spot for one more guest.  If you are planning to attend and want to try the products and/or are bringing a guest who wants a FREE facial, email me back and let me know.  When this table is full, I will bring enough products for a second table.



Jennifer brings 18 years of experience in the industry and

Is ready to share her wealth of knowledge of Celavive

Along with the opportunity it provides to have more beautiful

And radiant skin at any age. 


10:30 am – 11:00 am – Registration

11:00 am – 12:00 pm – Celavive facial experience for guests

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Break

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm – Celavive Training for Associates

 Guests are FREE

$15 per distributorship

Keep inviting.  Everyone is welcome. J 

Please email me if you are planning to attend so I have a seat available for you.



Wednesday, April 4, 2018

GET training call TONIGHT with special guest SUSANNE CUNNINGHAM, 3 Star Diamond on Wed, April 4 7:30 - 8:30 pm CST



Just a reminder about tonight's team training call with the amazing Susanne Cunningham, 3 Star Diamond Director and author of Being LaserFocused - Your Roadmap to Success book. 


Susanne will be sharing her Celavive business strategies and how to maximize your income with the upcoming Celavive Spa Experience hosted by USANA Manitoba on April 14.

Tonight's call 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm CST

The call will be interactive and Susanne will be happy to answer questions you may have regarding the Celavive compensation plan or how off to host a Celavive Spa party etc......

Here is the zoom link

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


Or iPhone one-tap :

    Canada: +16475580588,,822870555#




⭐New video - how to easily take more action in your Sonia Stringer



Touching & Transforming People's Lives,


Sheila Dancho

(204) 266-3066





New Video Training!

Hello Sheila:

If you (or anyone in your team) could use some help getting into consistent, business-building activity, I think you'll love this new training video.




It's all about "how to build an activity muscle that makes taking action in your business feel as easy as tying your shoes".

Click here to ease into consistent daily activity.

In this video you'll learn...

  • The #1 mistake ALL networkers make that is killing your activity (and makes it really hard to call prospects, follow up, etc)...
  • Why "will power" doesn't work to motivate yourself to take more action - and the 1 sure -fire thing that will get you moving for good...
  • 3 simple keys that will make you fall in love with cold calling, connecting with prospects and taking action in your business DAILY...
  • A simple system that will get you (and your team) into momentum within 2 weeks.

Click here to watch the video now.

FYI - this video was filmed during the launch of my new TV show for WOMEN in network marketing last week.

I'm hosting another show soon, so mark your calendars and join me LIVE on the show...

Wednesday, April 11th

1 PM Pacific time (4 PM Eastern time)

Join me live and meet my very special guest - Blue Diamond Leader Sharon McDonald.

Sharon is a master at "Transforming SETBACKS into SUCCESS"

She'll share with you how she overcame some VERY big setbacks to get to the top of her company, and some new skills you can use to move through ANY challenge in your business or personal life!

To join the next episode of Savvy Women TV click on this link at the date/time above).

Be sure you've "liked" the page at the top so you can watch the show when we go live.

Hope you find this helpful!





PS - Feel free to invite your team! Just send them here for info.




Savvy Biz Solutions, Inc. 12925 El Camino Real, #114 San Diego, California 92130 United States