Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Our very own Paul Dueck, Diamond Direct - Foundation of USANA Training tonight. Prospecting and Inviting 8 pm CST

Hey Global Energy Team,


USANA is happy to be bringing you another exciting year of corporate support calls for the 2018/2019. USANA's platform is evolving.  They still have selected 11 inspiring, experienced Foundation Executive Diamond Directors for our Foundations of USANA training series. The calls will be held the third Tuesday of every month. The mentors will each enlighten us from their vast experience in the company and industry and their areas of expertise.


Tonight, our very own Paul Dueck, Diamond Director from Winnipeg will be providing the training on Prospecting and Inviting.  It will be a light, humorous and informative training worth attending. 


Here are the registration details!


8:00 PM CST tonight!


Register at: http://bit.ly/foundationsofUSANA
CA: + 1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 252985329


Touching & Transforming People's Lives,


Sheila Dancho

(204) 266-3066





Monday, February 4, 2019

** USANA Compensation Plan

Hi Global Energy Team,


Pete Zdanis provides a simple way to explain the USANA compensation plan.    Please click on the link below for his PDF document.



From: Pete Zdanis [mailto:petezdanis=comcast.net@send.aweber.com] On Behalf Of Pete Zdanis
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2019 12:58 PM
To: Sheila Dancho
Subject: ** USANA Compensation Plan




If you or your team members need a refresher on the details of the USANA Compensation Plan, let me suggest that you start here: http://www.petezdanis.com/doc/10KeyPoints.pdf



Pete Zdanis


Chester County, PA, US

Email: petezdanis@gmail.com

Voice/Text: 610-316-8637