I hope you are enjoying the beautiful summer we are having. It is hard to believe that convention is only 2 weeks away. This will be my 23 convention and I am as excited to be USANA Associate as I was 24 years ago. USANA will be announcing several new products at convention this year along with a compensation incentive for Convention attendees only. It's not too late to still register and join us. Just email me back and we will make it happen for you. 😊
Our Global Energy Team party will be Friday, August 16th, at the Poplar St Pub from 6 – 10 pm. We will be joining the LaserFocus group, which we are a subset of. It is very casual… at 10 pm they have a live band in the front. I am looking forward to dancing already (need to get those 10,000 steps in HaHa) The address 242 South 200 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.
The place is very big with an outdoor patio and lots of room in the back. The food is basic bar food so nothing too fancy. You MUST have your ID or you will not get in. John Cunningham will be handing out wrist bands so that you don't have to pay the cover charge at the door.
Cheers to Dr Wentz!
Sheila Dancho