Thursday, May 28, 2020

Kicking Procrastination to the Curb

Kicking Procrastination to the Curb

I’ve actually been procrastinating writing this for at least a year. That’s the thing about procrastinated tasks—they don’t go away until you take action and get them done! I’m going to give you my tips on how to take better control of your time and tasks and reverse procrastination.

Two Kinds of Procrastination

There are two kinds of procrastination—deliberate and productive.

Deliberate procrastination is when you make a conscious decision to put it off—“I’m going to wait until tomorrow.” Unfortunately, tomorrow never comes in most cases. This article was in the Tomorrow Land for a year!!!

Productive procrastination is much sneakier. You are so busy doing mundane tasks that you don’t get around to those tasks that will bring you more results—for example, throwing another load of laundry in the washing machine instead of making those 5 prospecting calls that you know are critical to moving you forward in your business. At the end of the day, you feel a sense of accomplishment about all the things you did, but you did not complete the necessary tasks to accomplish your important business goals. I call this “Busy being BROKE”.

Why do people procrastinate? There are many reasons, but FEAR is the generally the root cause. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of not being worthy—fear stops most people in their tracks and steals their dreams. I recommend reading Fight or Flight: Overcoming Your Fears by Brian Tracy.

If this has happened to you, here are my 9 steps to conquering procrastination.

  1. Identify Tasks

Make a list of all the tasks you need to do to achieve yours goals for this year (this may be a really REALLY long list). Next, identify which activities you have been putting off—for example, I might be avoiding prospecting calls. Then ask yourself, “Why have I been procrastinating starting and/or completing these activities? What fear is stopping me?”

  1. Select the Most important Task

Look at your procrastination list and pick the one task that will be most important in accomplishing your goals this year. Commit to getting started on it. Put the energy you’ve been directing toward excuses into the task you’ve been avoiding. Action eliminates anxiety. I love the Nike slogan “JUST DO IT.”

  1. Designate Time

Schedule a specific time in your calendar to work on this task—and remember, keep it SHORT. Find a 1-hour period in which to accomplish this task (or get started on it). For example, set aside the hour from 7 to 8 on Tuesday night to make prospecting calls. I call this a power hour, because you’ll be surprised at how much you can actually accomplish in just an hour. Get the support of your family or co-workers to not disturb you during this time.

  1. Ready, Fire, Aim

Don’t worry about perfection. Just get started, learn from the experience and get better as you continue. For example, my first prospecting call was a complete disaster. I called my accountant. I had a head cold, low energy and I read from a script. He gave me a polite “NO! I am not interested.” After I hung up the phone I thought, “Well, that didn’t go well, but I can only get better!” What can I learn from this experience? The next call was much better and I became better and better with every call I made. Now I am a master prospector.

  1. Visualize the Worst-Case Scenario

If fear is holding you back, ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that could happen if I did this today?” Picture the worst possible thing that could happen, and accept that that may happen. Most of the time, the worst case scenario would really only be a temporary setback that you could learn from in order to get better.

  1. Visualize the Perfect Outcome

Vividly imagine the perfect outcome of the task—what would be the best possible results of this task being accomplished? Also picture how you’ll feel once it’s complete—the inner relief and freedom you’ll experience can be enormously liberating. Accomplishing put-off tasks usually gives a person a great boost of confidence and energy. You can even use that energy to complete the NEXT task on your list!

  1. Ask For Help

If you are really stuck, don’t be too proud to ask for help from a friend, business partner, or team leader. You may even want to hire a coach or a technical expert. For example, if you have been avoiding building your website, hire a web developer to build your website for you. If you’ve been waiting to create a blog because you don’t have the time to learn how to use WordPress, hire someone to teach you or to do it for you.

  1. De-clutter Your Office

Create a beautiful and functional environment in your home or office, a place you love and that motivates you. If your office looks like a public storage space, I can guarantee that you’ll avoid working there. All the clutter will demand your attention and drain your energy. A clean and de-cluttered office will boost your energy to be more productive and procrastinate less.

  1. Time Management

Good time management means that you maximize the daily return on the energy and mental effort you expend. Your time management skills will determine how many tasks you accomplish. If you need some guidance on time management, I’d recommend The ABC Method of Setting Priorities by Brian Tracy.


We’re all guilty of procrastination to some degree. Occasionally your tasks will seem too daunting—but if you can put aside your fear, fire before you aim, and manage your time wisely, you’ll start to see results. It’s an exciting feeling to have more items checked off than not on your task list, and you can use that energy to pave your way to a more productive and fearless tomorrow!


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Slimmer You for Summer Contest June 15 to July 13, prizes for Greatest % of Body Weight Lost

Dear Global Energy Team member,

I am sending you this invitation for 2 reasons. 

  1. Would you like to participate in the Slimmer You for Summer Contest?
  2. Do you know of anyone who would like to participate in a educational, motivational and FUN weight lose contest?  If yes, forward the bottom portion of this email that explains the contest that I have modified so that it is generic and you can use.

Email me back if you or if you have anyone interested to learn more about it.

Sheila Dancho


Slimmer You for Summer Contest

Covid-19 has you feeling BLAH?  It has me.  I have been overindulging on comfort food (fresh homemade bread, with chocolate for dessert, and washed down with a glass of wine).  And I know better!!!

I have put on my summer clothes and they are fitting a little too tight. Know the feeling?

Well summer is here, and it is time to shed those Covid-19 pounds and get back on track.  I am passionate about living. teaching, and supporting a healthy lifestyle that includes a low-glycemic (low sugar) eating.  Sugar depresses your immune system!  Turns out we need it more now than ever during Covid-19.

To help you get back on track, I am the fitness coach in a team of body, mind and spirit specialists to support you during the “Slimmer You for Summer Contest”.  It is a 28-day program June 15 to July 13 with prizes totaling over $300 being awarded to the participant with the greatest % weight lost, weekly biggest loser prizes and the most active in the Facebook Group.

This four-week practical program is overflowing with education, guidance and intuition to help you shed those Covid-19 pounds. With NO starvation diets, NO counting calories, and most of all NO impossible long workouts, you will begin to transform your body into a healthy body with renewed energy, vitality, confidence and a stronger immune system.

It is a five-prong approach that covers:

1. Education

Five 1-hour weekly webinars providing education on solving your weight loss puzzle. When is comes to long term sustainable weight loss, you want your body to be burning body fat effectively, rather than storing it.

They will provide powerful information on how certain foods are causing damage to your body and what you can eat to reverse the damage and begin to heal, grow stronger, get your energy back and lose weight! And it will be taught in a way that is super easy to understand.

 2. Nutritional Supplementation and Low-Glycemic Eating

Our foods today are NOT the same as our ancestors in nutritional quality.  Your body needs HELP! The program includes USANA CellSentials that contain micronutrients to nourish, protect and renew cells to support your immune system. 

USANA Nutrimeal Shakes are nutritionally balanced meal replacements that provide an ideal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and beneficial fats to support a healthy weight.  Starting your day with a delicious low-glycemic Nutrimeal will help you release those unwanted pounds.

3. Group Support and Accountability

You will receive the Get Healthy Daily Journal full of educational support material which includes but not limited to healthy grocery list; portion size guide; snack ideas; shake recipes; two 6 min strength development workouts (upper and lower body); one week sample menu. The journal has been created by Sheila Dancho, Get Healthy Club founder

Also, you will be invited to join the private Facebook Support Group, where Sheila, along with the other members, will provide a holistic and supportive environment to keep you on the path of health and vitality.

4. Movement

The program will give you several tips and tools to start moving your body, get your juices flowing while having FUN!

5. Rapid Transformational Therapy

Wendy Terry is a Rapid Transformational Therapist who will guide the group through a releasing session to help participants to release their emotional eating blocks.


With the contest, you will receive free “Sheila’s Healthy Recipes” ebook filled with low-glycemic, nutritious, and delicious meals by Sheila Dancho, Get Healthy Club founder


As a second bonus, you will receive free “12 Strategies to Supporting Your Immune System” ebook. Supporting your immune system is a big step towards optimal health by Sheila Dancho, Get Healthy Club founder


Join us!

Step 1: Order Your Products

USANA 5-Day RESET weight-loss Kit shipped directly to you. Each day, simply replace three meals with a delicious and nutritionally balanced Nutrimeal™ shake, take your USANA® supplements, eat whole-food, low-glycemic snacks, and practice healthy lifestyle habits.

Kit contains:

·        8 Dutch Chocolate Nutrimeal™ shake single-serve packets

·        7 French Vanilla Nutrimeal™ shake single-serve packets

·        5 USANA® Probiotic stick packs

·        5 AM/PM HealthPak™ packets (CellSentials, MagneCal D™, Anti-oxidant Booster)

·        Program guide and tracking sheet

It is a satisfying, nutritionally balanced program that sets you up for success. In just five days, you’ll be ready to take the next steps in your journey to better health.

1 Blender Bottle perfect for shakes.

3 Large Bags of Nutrimeal (9 servings) either Chocolate, Vanilla or Free (plant based)

1 CellSentials (Core Minerals and Vita Antioxidant) work together to support vibrant health.

Shop Here: Contact the USANA Associate who email your this information

Step 2: Join the Slimmer You for Summer Facebook Group


For less than $11 a day, you’ll receive:

·        Five 1-hour weekly webinars

·        Get Healthy Daily Journal (downloadable pdf)

·        Community of Love and Support via Facebook Private Group

·        Sheila’s Healthy Recipes (downloadable pdf)

·        12 Strategies to Supporting Your Immune System (downloadable pdf)

Shipped directly to you:

·        USANA 5-Day RESET weight-loss Kit

·        Shaker bottle

·        3 Nutrimeal Shakes (9 servings each)

·        CellSentials (Core Minerals and Vita Antioxidant) 28 Day Supply

Chance to win prizes totalling over $300 for greatest % of body weight loss or most active in Facebook Group.

Fantastic VALUE!!!

Email me back if you are interested to participate or if you have customers interested to participate.





Monday, May 25, 2020

Sheila's training with special guest Suzanne Cunningham tonight 8 pm CT

The trees are blooming!!! This is my favorite time of the year. 😊


Just a friendly reminder, our Global Energy Training call is tonight at 8 pm CT.  Phyllis Keegan, soon to be published author, is our guest speaker. She will be sharing how to craft your story to be compelling and attract customers to you.  Your prospects are neither negative or positive but neutral and it is your story that will either draw them to you or push them away.


Also,  I will be sharing the details of our Slimmer YOU for Summer Contest!


The call will be from 8 to 9 pm filled with Celebration, Education and Motivation.  I will be happy to answer any questions to may have regarding building your USANA team.


Sheila Dancho is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Sheila's USANA Training

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 941 6416 3630

Password: 006181

One tap mobile

+14388097799,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada

+15873281099,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada


See you then,

Sheila Dancho


Friday, May 22, 2020

Slimmer You for Summer Contest June 15 to July 13, prizes for Greatest % of Body Weight Lost

Slimmer You for Summer Contest

Covid-19 has you feeling BLAH?  It has me.  I have been overindulging on comfort food (fresh homemade bread, with chocolate for dessert, and washed down with a glass of wine).  And I know better!!!

I have put on my summer clothes and they are fitting a little too tight. Know the feeling?

Well summer is here, and it is time to shed those Covid-19 pounds and get back on track.  I am passionate about living. teaching, and supporting a healthy lifestyle that includes a low-glycemic (low sugar) eating.  Sugar depresses your immune system!  Turns out we need it more now than ever during Covid-19.

To help you get back on track, I have assembled team of body, mind and spirit specialists to support you during the “Slimmer You for Summer Contest”.  It is a 28-day program June 15 to July 13 with prizes totaling over $300 being awarded to the participant with the greatest % weight lost and the most active in the Facebook Group.

This four-week practical program is overflowing with education, guidance and intuition to help you shed those Covid-19 pounds. With NO starvation diets, NO counting calories, and most of all NO impossible long workouts, you will begin to transform your body into a healthy body with renewed energy, vitality, confidence and a stronger immune system.

It is a five-prong approach that covers:

1. Education

Five 1-hour weekly webinars providing education on solving your weight loss puzzle. When is comes to long term sustainable weight loss, you want your body to be burning body fat effectively, rather than storing it.

They will provide powerful information on how certain foods are causing damage to your body and what you can eat to reverse the damage and begin to heal, grow stronger, get your energy back and lose weight! And it will be taught in a way that is super easy to understand.

 2. Nutritional Supplementation and Low-Glycemic Eating

Our foods today are NOT the same as our ancestors in nutritional quality.  Your body needs HELP! The program includes USANA CellSentials that contain micronutrients to nourish, protect and renew cells to support your immune system.

USANA Nutrimeal Shakes are nutritionally balanced meal replacements that provide an ideal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and beneficial fats to support a healthy weight.  Starting your day with a delicious low-glycemic Nutrimeal will help you release those unwanted pounds.

3. Group Support and Accountability

You will receive the Get Healthy Daily Journal full of educational support material which includes but not limited to healthy grocery list; portion size guide; snack ideas; shake recipes; two 6 min strength development workouts (upper and lower body); one week sample menu.

Also, you will be invited to join the private Facebook Support Group, where Sheila, along with the other members, will provide a holistic and supportive environment to keep you on the path of health and vitality.

4. Movement

The program will give you several tips and tools to start moving your body, get your juices flowing while having FUN!

5. Number 5 is a SECRET!

No seriously it is! Sheila has worked so hard over 15 years to create this program that if she told you and gave it all away, well that wouldn’t be fair now would it? Okay…I will give you a hint. The secret is based on Neuroscience!


With the contest, you will receive free “Sheila’s Healthy Recipes” ebook filled with low-glycemic, nutritious, and delicious meals!


As a second bonus, you will receive free “12 Strategies to Supporting Your Immune System” ebook. Supporting your immune system is a big step towards optimal health.

Join us!

Step 1: Order Your Products

USANA 5-Day RESET weight-loss Kit shipped directly to you. Each day, simply replace three meals with a delicious and nutritionally balanced Nutrimeal™ shake, take your USANA® supplements, eat whole-food, low-glycemic snacks, and practice healthy lifestyle habits.

Kit contains:

·        8 Dutch Chocolate Nutrimeal™ shake single-serve packets

·        7 French Vanilla Nutrimeal™ shake single-serve packets

·        5 USANA® Probiotic stick packs

·        5 AM/PM HealthPak™ packets (CellSentials, MagneCal D™, Anti-oxidant Booster)

·        Program guide and tracking sheet

It is a satisfying, nutritionally balanced program that sets you up for success. In just five days, you’ll be ready to take the next steps in your journey to better health.

1 Blender Bottle perfect for shakes.

3 Large Bags of Nutrimeal (9 servings) either Chocolate, Vanilla or Free (plant based)

1 CellSentials (Core Minerals and Vita Antioxidant) work together to support vibrant health.

Step 2: Join the Facebook Group


For less than $11 a day, you’ll receive:

·        Five 1-hour weekly webinars

·        Get Healthy Daily Journal (downloadable pdf)

·        Community of Love and Support via Facebook Private Group

·        Sheila’s Healthy Recipes (downloadable pdf)

·        12 Strategies to Supporting Your Immune System (downloadable pdf)

Shipped directly to you:

·        USANA 5-Day RESET weight-loss Kit

·        Shaker bottle

·        3 Nutrimeal Shakes (9 servings each)

·        CellSentials (Core Minerals and Vita Antioxidant) 28 Day Supply

Chance to win prizes totalling over $300 for greatest % of body weight loss or most active in Facebook Group.

Fantastic VALUE!!!

Email me back if you are interested to participate or if you have customers interested to participate.

Stay Healthy,

Sheila Dancho




Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Sheila's training with special guest Suzanne Cunningham tonight 8 pm CT

WOW!!!  If feel like summer today!! 😊


Just a friendly reminder, our Global Energy Training call is tonight at 8 pm CT.  Suzanne Cunningham, 3 Start Diamond director is our guest speaker. She will be sharing how with only 10 hours a week, you can build a lucrative USANA business.


The call will be from 8 to 9 pm filled with Celebration, Education and Motivation.  I will be happy to answer any questions to may have regarding building your USANA team.


Sheila Dancho is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Sheila's USANA Training

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 941 6416 3630

Password: 006181

One tap mobile

+14388097799,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada

+15873281099,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada


See you then,

Sheila Dancho


Monday, May 18, 2020

Did you received my previous email???

Dear Friend,

I have written to you severally without a response,It is with trust and sincerity that I approach you for assistance to transfer some funds into your bank account. Please do accept my apology if my mail infringes on your personal ethics. My name is Greg Osborn , a Private attorney based here in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. Honestly it will be my humble pleasure if we can work together.

I would like you to act as the next of kin to my deceased client Mr. Glenn Warrington, a US citizen who made a deposit of $23,500,000.00 ($23.5 Million Dollars) with a Bank here in Johannesburg. He died in car accident on the 20th of November 2009 without any registered next of kin. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through their embassy without success.

I have received official letter from the bank suggesting a likely proceeding for confiscation of the Fund in line with existing laws by the bank in which my client deposited the sum of $23.5 Million Dollars. According to the Government Law here, at the expiration of 10 years the fund will revert to the ownership of the South African Government, if nobody applies to claim the fund.

My proposition to you is to present you to the bank as the Next of kin to my late client so that the bank will pay this $23.5 Million Dollars to you as his beneficiary so that we can share the amount on a mutually agreed percentage of 60% for me 40% for you.

All legal documents to back up your claim will be provided by me. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I will also guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law here or in your country.

If you are interested in this transactions, Please do contact me so that I can give you comprehensive details on how to proceed. Your immediate response will be highly appreciated.


Advocate Greg Osborn
Principal Attorney: Greg & Co Associates
Direct Telephone: +27661761901

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

USANA Live Bundles Sale Ends tonight!!! Plus buy $240 product today& receive a FREE eye essence from me. :)

Live Bundles Sale Ends tonight!!! Plus buy $240 product today& receive a FREE eye essence from me. :)


Very Exciting Offers!!!

So here are the USANA Live Bundles specials good till tonight!!

1. Buy 2 Coquinone 30's get 1 Biomega FREE

2. Buy 2 Procosa's get 1 MagneCal D FREE

3. Buy the Celavive "Basic pack" (cleanser, toner, day & night creams) get an Eye Essence FREE

These packages can be combined with other incentives.  You can double DIP!!  Buy any of these packs or any other products totally $240 and receive a FREE Celavive Wrap Robe except that the Robes are sold out!
  So I am offering the first Global Energy Team member to purchase $240 today, I will personally give them a FREE Hydrating Eye Essence with the value of $68.


Also, these packs can be purchased for enrollment of a new Associate.  So if you want to purchase these packs, you can place the order as an initial order to help a new Associate join!!   But only if you call USANA and do the enrollment over the phone and not online.


Again, be creative, this sale ends tonight!!  Make sure your customers know!!!



Sheila Dancho


FW: Sheila's training with special guest Keith Closen tonight 8 pm CT

Happy May!


I am extremely grateful that the Manitoba Government has started to lessen the Covid-19 restrictions.  In the past, I would have had my hair colored and cut without thought and now I am so very grateful to have the privilege of going to my favorite hair salon. During this Covid-19 lock down I have come to appreciate the privileges we do have living in Canada and I am living each day with more gratitude.

I would like to hear from you, how you are coping during this time of social distancing. 😊


Just a friendly reminder that I will be hosting a training call on tonight, 8 pm CT.  Last week due to internet band width problems Keith was not able to deliver his training. Therefore, Keith Closen will be our special guest speaker again tonight.  He will train us "How to Effectively use USANA Uconnect application for prospecting and sponsoring".  I have attached Keith's slides in PDF format in case we have internet bandwidth issues. 


Please download the USANA Connect app on your phone before tonight's call by going to your phone's Play Store or Apple Store.


The call will be from 8 to 9 pm filled with Celebration, Education and Motivation.  I will be happy to answer any questions to may have regarding building your USANA team.


Sheila Dancho is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Sheila's USANA Training

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 941 6416 3630

Password: 006181

One tap mobile

+14388097799,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada

+15873281099,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada


See you then,

Sheila Dancho



Friday, May 8, 2020

USANA Live Bundles with FREE product only till May 12 can be combined with other Incentives to sponsor new Associates

Very Exciting Offers!!!

So here are the specials just announced that are good till Tuesday, May 12:

1. Buy 2 Coquinone 30's get 1 Biomega FREE

2. Buy 2 Procosa's get 1 MagneCal D FREE

3. Buy the Celavive "Basic pack" (cleanser, toner, day & night creams) get an Eye Essence FREE

These packages can be combined with other incentives.  You can double DIP!!  Buy any of these packs or any other products totally $240 and receive a FREE Celavive Wrap Robe. 


Also, these packs can be purchased for enrollment of a new Associate.  So if you want to purchase these packs, you can place the order as an initial order to help a new Associate join!!   But only if you call USANA and do the enrollment over the phone and not online.


Again, be creative, this ends this Tuesday May 12! Make sure your customers know!!!



Sheila Dancho


Monday, May 4, 2020

Sheila's training with special guest Keith Closen Tue 8 pm CT

Happy May!


May is my favorite month of the year. I wedding anniversary is May 16, Hope birthday is May 21, and I ranked advanced to Gold, Ruby and Emerald in May.  😊 


Just a friendly reminder that I will be hosting a training call on Tuesday, 8 pm CT with special guest Keith Closen with the focus on How to Effectively use USANA Uconnect application for prospecting and sponsoring.  Keith has been a successful member of the Global Energy Team for many years and a lot of wisdom to share.


The call will be from 8 to 9 pm filled with Celebration, Education and Motivation.  I will be happy to answer any questions to may have regarding building your USANA team.


Sheila Dancho is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Sheila's USANA Training

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 941 6416 3630

Password: 006181

One tap mobile

+14388097799,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada

+15873281099,,94164163630#,,#,006181# Canada


See you then,

Sheila Dancho


Sunday, May 3, 2020

USANA Rory Jones 30 min. weekly training schedule

Happy Sunday Everyone!


There are tons of announcements this week and Rory's Zoom train will review them plus more! 😊


Here are your choices:

Monday               May 4 @ 9:00 pm

Tuesday               May 5 @ 9:00 am

Wednesday         May 6 @ 7:00 pm


Please email me which one you will be on.


Topic: Rory Jones's Zoom Meeting

Time: Apr 27, 2020 09:00 PM Winnipeg


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 740 979 9679


Stay Healthy!

Sheila Dancho