Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shrink-a-thon posters and press release

Global Energy Team


Please check out the posters and press release and invite your friends, family to participate.  Feel free to run ads or contact your local newspapers or weight loss groups.


There is no cost for the first night to learn about the program but if you decide to participate the cost is $100 ($10 per week) for the coaching and the leading edge information.  Also, it is a Shrink-a-thon which operates much like a ‘walk-a-thon’ only instead of walking participants shed excess pounds and receive pledges for pounds shed.  Pledges raised in this Shrink-a-thon will be donated to the Canadian Diabetes Association


If you want to learn more about the Shrink-a-thon please visit

Feel free to forward this email and poster to your friends who would like to have better health.


Dream Big!


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Global Energy Team Update revised - Shrink-a-thon starts Tuesday, Sept 13


Dear Global Energy Team,

Just a correction to the start date of the Winnipeg and Brandon Shrink-a-thon, start Tuesday, Sept 13.  Start inviting friends who want to lose weight, feel better and raise $$ for Canadian Diabetes Association while receiving 10 weeks of personal coaching.


August was Sensé Training by Bea Kinnear


We had three awesome training calls by Bea Kinnear during the month of August.  If you missed them you do have till end of August to listen to the replay line.  When you listen to the replay line have a pen and paper next to you because you will want to take lots of notes.


The reply line is 1-507-726-4220 passcode 119347 and conference numbers are (mmdd) 0802, 0809 and 0816.  

The 0802 call covers why Sensé is a superior product and why it is anti-aging.

The 0809 call is part 1 on how to do a Spa party and covers the facial products.

The 0816 call is part 2 on how to do a Spa party and covers the hair and body line and techniques to boost sales.


Tuesday, 10 am CST Conference Call Training


There will be no training call on August 23 due to the convention. 


August 30, training call will be a conventions highlight.


The number to call is (507) 726-4200 participant code 119347#




The Canadian Diabetes Association has given us the go ahead to run a Shrink-a-thon to raise money for them in Manitoba.  This is a BIG, BIG opportunity for all of us.  The Shrink-a-thon incorporates Dr. Strand’s Healthy for Life program including USANA products.  Participants will sign up for the program with the goal of losing weight and for every pound lost will receive pledge money from family, friends, businesses etc….  This is a great opportunity for you the USANA Associate to get involved both as a participant and a coach.  This is also a great opportunity for you to build your business.  The cost is $100 for the 10 weeks of coaching using the Trinity Health methodology.


We will be running a Shrink-a-thon in Brandon, Winnipeg and Selkirk starting in September. 


Winnipeg, Tuesday, Sept 13 for 11 Tuesdays till Nov 22 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Louis Riel Library, 1168 Dakota Street.


Brandon, Tuesday, Sept 13 for 11 Tuesdays till Nov 22 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at 800 Rosser Ave, Unit D-3, City Center Mall.


Selkirk, Monday, Sept 19 for 11 Tuesdays till Nov 28 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at Christ Anglian Church, 227 McLean Ave.


For more information on Shrink-a-thon go to my website down to the bottom of the first page and click on Shrink-a-thon it will take you to another website that has several videos that explains it from all aspects.   I do need help and if you want to be a coach please email me back.


Selkirk H & F Meeting and Conventions Highlight Meeting August 30


On August 30, we will be having a Health & Freedom Presentation from 7:00 – 8:00 followed by a conventions highlight training from 8:00 – 9:30 at the North Red Community Center, 2nd floor, 18 Main Str. Cost is $10 per Associate and guests are free.  Bring guests!!!!!!!


Each Associate attending will receive 3 free DVDs:  True Health, True Wealth and USANA Difference.  Also I will have the Healthy Home books available for sale for only $18 and the new 5th edition of the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam.



Winnipeg Super Saturday Training September 10


What a great way to start the fall season then to be trained by the best of the best in USANA at our Super Saturday training September 10 at the Viscount Gort Hotel from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm.


This training will be a combination of convention highlights and training basics.  Please plan to be there and bring your downline.


Cunninghams in Calgary Sept 15th and 17th


I am so excited to tell you that John and Suzanne Cunningham, 2 Star Diamond Directors, Fortune 25 Members 10 years in a row, Million Dollar Club Members, Premium Platinum Pacesetters will be in Calgary Sept 15 hosting and presenting a Health and Freedom Business meeting.

The Heath and Freedom meeting will be held as follows:

Carriage House Inn

9030 Macleod Trail SE



7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Cost: $10 per distributorship Guests for FREE


Also, if you want to be trained by the best on how to build a lucrative 6 figure income with USANA, plan to attend his Super Saturday Training, Sept 17th.


The Super Saturday Training will be held as follows:

Delta Bow Valley

209-4th Ave. SE

10 am to 4 pm

Cost: $25 per person (great value for a whole day of training by one of the best in the industry)

See the attached flyer for more details.

Be sure to mark this in your calendars!

USANA Calgary

Below is the online ticketing…



Lyle MacWilliam Canadian Tour


The author of the Nutrisearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, Lyle MacWilliam will be touring Canada in October.  Here are the dates:


Montreal, October 24

Toronto, October 25

Winnipeg, October 26

Calgary, October 27

Vancouver, October 29



Dream Big!


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Global Energy Team Update - please read

Dear Global Energy Team,



August was Sensé Training by Bea Kinnear


We had three awesome training calls by Bea Kinnear during the month of August.  If you missed them you do have till end of August to listen to the replay line.  When you listen to the replay line have a pen and paper next to you because you will want to take lots of notes.


The reply line is 1-507-726-4220 passcode 119347 and conference numbers are (mmdd) 0802, 0809 and 0816.  

The 0802 call covers why Sensé is a superior product and why it is anti-aging.

The 0809 call is part 1 on how to do a Spa party and covers the facial products.

The 0816 call is part 2 on how to do a Spa party and covers the hair and body line and techniques to boost sales.


Tuesday, 10 am CST Conference Call Training


There will be no training call on August 23 due to the convention. 


August 30, training call will be a conventions highlight.


The number to call is (507) 726-4200 participant code 119347#




The Canadian Diabetes Association has given us the go ahead to run a Shrink-a-thon to raise money for them in Manitoba.  This is a BIG, BIG opportunity for all of us.  The Shrink-a-thon incorporates Dr. Strand’s Healthy for Life program including USANA products.  Participants will sign up for the program with the goal of losing weight and for every pound lost will receive pledge money from family, friends, businesses etc….  This is a great opportunity for you the USANA Associate to get involved both as a participant and a coach.  This is also a great opportunity for you to build your business.  The cost is $100 for the 10 weeks of coaching using the Trinity Health methodology.


We will be running a Shrink-a-thon in Brandon, Winnipeg and Selkirk starting in September. 


Winnipeg, Tuesday, Sept 12 for 11 Tuesdays till Nov 22 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Louis Riel Library, 1168 Dakota Street.


Brandon, Tuesday, Sept 12 for 11 Tuesdays till Nov 22 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at 800 Rosser Ave, Unit D-3, City Center Mall.


Selkirk, Monday, Sept 19 for 11 Tuesdays till Nov 28 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at Christ Anglian Church, 227 McLean Ave.


For more information on Shrink-a-thon go to my website down to the bottom of the first page and click on Shrink-a-thon it will take you to another website that has several videos that explains it from all aspects.   I do need help and if you want to be a coach please email me back.


Selkirk H & F Meeting and Conventions Highlight Meeting August 30


On August 30, we will be having a Health & Freedom Presentation from 7:00 – 8:00 followed by a conventions highlight training from 8:00 – 9:30 at the North Red Community Center, 2nd floor, 18 Main Str. Cost is $10 per Associate and guests are free.  Bring guests!!!!!!!


Each Associate attending will receive 3 free DVDs:  True Health, True Wealth and USANA Difference.  Also I will have the Healthy Home books available for sale for only $18 and the new 5th edition of the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements by Lyle MacWilliam.



Winnipeg Super Saturday Training September 10


What a great way to start the fall season then to be trained by the best of the best in USANA at our Super Saturday training September 10 at the Viscount Gort Hotel from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm.


This training will be a combination of convention highlights and training basics.  Please plan to be there and bring your downline.


Cunninghams in Calgary Sept 15th and 17th


I am so excited to tell you that John and Suzanne Cunningham, 2 Star Diamond Directors, Fortune 25 Members 10 years in a row, Million Dollar Club Members, Premium Platinum Pacesetters will be in Calgary Sept 15 hosting and presenting a Health and Freedom Business meeting.

The Heath and Freedom meeting will be held as follows:

Carriage House Inn

9030 Macleod Trail SE



7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Cost: $10 per distributorship Guests for FREE


Also, if you want to be trained by the best on how to build a lucrative 6 figure income with USANA, plan to attend his Super Saturday Training, Sept 17th.


The Super Saturday Training will be held as follows:

Delta Bow Valley

209-4th Ave. SE

10 am to 4 pm

Cost: $25 per person (great value for a whole day of training by one of the best in the industry)

See the attached flyer for more details.

Be sure to mark this in your calendars!

USANA Calgary

Below is the online ticketing…



Lyle MacWilliam Canadian Tour


The author of the Nutrisearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, Lyle MacWilliam will be touring Canada in October.  Here are the dates:


Montreal, October 24

Toronto, October 25

Winnipeg, October 26

Calgary, October 27

Vancouver, October 29



Dream Big!


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist


Friday, August 19, 2011

Children's Hunger Fund 5k Walk at USANA convention - please pledge through my account

Stop Hunger in its track my making a pledge to the Children’s Hunger Fund.

Children's Hunger Fund (CHF) is one of the most cost-efficient charities in the U.S., serving children and families in need across America and around the world since 1991. CHF has distributed more than $900 million in aid, to children and families in more than thirty-five U.S. states and seventy-two countries worldwide.


I will be participating along with hundreds of other USANA associates on Saturday, August 27 in the Children's Hunger Run -- a 5k run/walk that benefits Children's Hunger Fund.


Follow this link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support Children's Hunger Fund



Dream Big!


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shrink-a-thon to raise $$ for Canadian Diabetes starts Sept 13 at Louis Riel Library, 7:00 pm

I have exciting news for the Manitoba Global Energy team.  


Eleanor Norton, Leslie Hanson and I will be heading up Shrink-a-thons in Brandon, Winnipeg and Selkirk.  This is a great way for you to lose weight and feel great along with your friends and family while raising money for the Canadian Diabetes Association.  It is also an excellent way for you to build your USANA business.


A Shrink-a-thon operates much like a “walk-a-thon” only instead of walking participants shed excess pounds and receives pledges for pounds shed.  Pledges raised in this Shrink-a-thon will be donated to the Canadian Diabetes Association.


The program is based on the Healthy for Life program designed by Dr. Strand and has been enhanced further by Trinity Health owned and operated by Bob and Vicki Mihalyou.  I along with several other Trinity Health coaches will be conducting the 10 week Shrink-a-thon.  I have attached a poster that you can mail to family, friends or you can create an event on facebook and invite others.  So spread the word!!!!


Winnipeg Shrink-a-thon – Choose to lose weight for a good cause!  Lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds!


Free information session on the 10-week weight loss and healthy lifestyle program will be held at the: Louis Riel Library, 1168 Dakota St, Winnipeg, Tuesday, Sept 13, 7:00 – 8:30 pm.


To pre-register or for additional information call toll free 1-866-595-5002 or email: or visit


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Winnipeg, Tues, Aug 16, Special H & F presentation by Diamond Directors Tom and Lorie Mulhern from Washington

Hello all:


We are very fortunate to have Tom and Lorie Mulhern, Diamond Directors from Washington State here to present.


Please see attached flyer for information and distribute out to your teams so that we can give them a warm Manitoba welcome.  Bring your guests and have them learn why professionals are drawn to USANA and how busy people can build this business.


Please note the special night that we are holding this event.


Tuesday August 16th

Viscount Gort Hotel

Portage Ave.

Winnipeg, MB


7:30 pm start.


$10 per distributorship and as always...guests are FREE.



Susanne and John Cunningham 

Health and Freedom Be "Laserfocus"ed

204-899-6193 Susanne




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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

John Cunningham - Calgary health and freedom and super saturday training

Hello all:


Please see attached for up coming super saturday in Calgary on September 17th.  See attached.


John Cunningham, 2 Star Diamond Director will be hosting a health and freedom meeting on September 15 as well.


The Heath and Freedom meeting will be held as follows:


Carriage House Inn

9030 Macleod Trail SE




7:30 PM


Cost:  $10 per distributorship   Guests for FREE


I look forward to seeing all of there.




John Cunningham


John Cunningham 



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Monday, August 8, 2011

Reminder Tuesday Training with Bea Kinnear - Aug 2 recording info and Aug 9 slides that will be reviewed



Hello Global Energy Team,


Bea Kinnear was absolutely awesome on Tuesday, Aug 2, training call all on Sense.  She answer many questions including:

Why is Sense unique?  Why is it a superiour product? Why is Sense truly anti-aging? and many, many more.  If you missed the call, luckily it has been recorded.  Just call (507) 726-4220 the participant code is 119347# and the conference recording number is 0802#


The training was so amazing, I have asked Bea to join us this week as well.  She has agreed and will be reviewing how to do a Spa Party with her slide set which has been attached.  So if you are wondering how to have a fun, informative and create large volume of sales at your Spa Party plan to attend the training on Tuesday, 10 am CT, August 9, 507-726-4200 participant code is 119347#.


In preparation for the training, please download the attachments to your computer because we will be review the powerpoint slides one by one and the other documents.  Also, read her email below and prepare any questions you have. 



Sheila Dancho
Global Energy Team Leader
USANA Million Dollar Club Member
(204) 266-3066

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Bea Kinnear" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 11:43:18 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: ingredients list and spa slides

Hi Sheila

Thank you for inviting me to your call.  Wonderful questions were presented and I hope I helped.


I am most happy to send you the ingredient list and my power point.  Feel Free to share with your downline. 


As you go through the PP you will see the the first slides are basically to introduce one of our many awards, then

Dr. Wentz, our self-preserving technology patent, and the fact we have clinical studies done not in our

lab but by an outside testing lab that has no connection to USANA.  This is important because most labs

will never send their products out to another lab to confirm their own lab tests for the consumer or their



Then you start (all slides are in the proper order of the routine using the whole line), when you get to the

Masque(on 20 minutes) you go to the next slide.  This one gives you the opportunity to speak about Dr. Hamlin

and her credentials.  You can show her DVD after the Spa while they have their coffee/tea waiting their turn to

give you their orders.  The next slide is the one you use up your twenty minutes to cover USANA's other great

products especially the vitamins that relate to "ingestible" skin care.  At that point you can give each person a copy

of that document to take home so they remember how important it is to first treat skin where it grows, on the inside!


Once you cover that, then you are ready for removing the Masque and continue with the rest of the power point and

products.  Always remember if it is a DAY event, NO Serum on the face, and you end with Daytime Protective Emulsion.

The serum can be placed on the back of their hand to see how great it is.  If it is a NIGHT event then no Day cream

and Serum can now be put on the face before the Night Renewal.  This information is very important and the Serum

must not be used during the day.  Products they do not use on the face can be shown on the back of the hand.


One last suggestion, the slides show key ingredients and the clients can read those

without your having to repeat them.  So use other information that is simple and to

the point.  For example:  If your "face" cleanser gives you suds, then it most likely has

a detergent type cleansing agent.  With Sens, there are no suds just  very gentle

non drying, non irritation for the face cleansing agent.  That one statement says it all

and sets the tone for the rest of the products.  Just a suggestion, but something to think

about when presenting.


Hope you find this power point useful.  If at any time you would like to do another call and all attending

are at their computers we can go through the slides one by one for those that might need just some help

on presenting as each slide comes up.  I especially like to go over the sunscreen chart on the DPE product

when it comes up. If you think that would work I would be very happy to do that.


I hope you do not mind but I added one more attachment.  When I designed this for the self-preserving I

sent a copy to Dr. McDonald for his opinion.  He said it was the best short version he had seen to explain

the liquid crystal technology.  It just helps non members to understand a little bit better with a visual they can

relate to.


Thanks for letting me share with your group!


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 8/2/2011 at 10:20 AM wrote:



Thank you so much for  being on the call this morning.  You were absolutely awesome.  I and my team really appreciate your help. 

Please send me the ingredients list and spa slides.


We'll see you at the convention.

Sheila Dancho
Global Energy Team Leader
USANA Million Dollar Club Member
(204) 266-3066


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If you do not wish to receive further emails from this person, all you have to do is click here to reject any future mailings.


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Version: 10.0.1390 / Virus Database: 1518/3810 - Release Date: 08/04/11

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reminder Tuesday Training with Bea Kinnear - Aug 2 recording info and Aug 9 slides that will be reviewed



Hello Global Energy Team,


Bea Kinnear was absolutely awesome on Tuesday, Aug 2, training call all on Sense.  She answer many questions including:

Why is Sense unique?  Why is it a superiour product? Why is Sense truly anti-aging? and many, many more.  If you missed the call, luckily it has been recorded.  Just call (507) 726-4220 the participant code is 119347# and the conference recording number is 0802#


The training was so amazing, I have asked Bea to join us this week as well.  She has agreed and will be reviewing how to do a Spa Party with her slide set which has been attached.  So if you are wondering how to have a fun, informative and create large volume of sales at your Spa Party plan to attend the training on Tuesday, 10 am CT, August 9, 507-726-4200 participant code is 119347#.


In preparation for the training, please download the attachments to your computer because we will be review the powerpoint slides one by one and the other documents.  Also, read her email below and prepare any questions you have. 



Sheila Dancho
Global Energy Team Leader
USANA Million Dollar Club Member
(204) 266-3066

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Bea Kinnear" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 11:43:18 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: ingredients list and spa slides

Hi Sheila

Thank you for inviting me to your call.  Wonderful questions were presented and I hope I helped.


I am most happy to send you the ingredient list and my power point.  Feel Free to share with your downline. 


As you go through the PP you will see the the first slides are basically to introduce one of our many awards, then

Dr. Wentz, our self-preserving technology patent, and the fact we have clinical studies done not in our

lab but by an outside testing lab that has no connection to USANA.  This is important because most labs

will never send their products out to another lab to confirm their own lab tests for the consumer or their



Then you start (all slides are in the proper order of the routine using the whole line), when you get to the

Masque(on 20 minutes) you go to the next slide.  This one gives you the opportunity to speak about Dr. Hamlin

and her credentials.  You can show her DVD after the Spa while they have their coffee/tea waiting their turn to

give you their orders.  The next slide is the one you use up your twenty minutes to cover USANA's other great

products especially the vitamins that relate to "ingestible" skin care.  At that point you can give each person a copy

of that document to take home so they remember how important it is to first treat skin where it grows, on the inside!


Once you cover that, then you are ready for removing the Masque and continue with the rest of the power point and

products.  Always remember if it is a DAY event, NO Serum on the face, and you end with Daytime Protective Emulsion.

The serum can be placed on the back of their hand to see how great it is.  If it is a NIGHT event then no Day cream

and Serum can now be put on the face before the Night Renewal.  This information is very important and the Serum

must not be used during the day.  Products they do not use on the face can be shown on the back of the hand.


One last suggestion, the slides show key ingredients and the clients can read those

without your having to repeat them.  So use other information that is simple and to

the point.  For example:  If your "face" cleanser gives you suds, then it most likely has

a detergent type cleansing agent.  With Sens, there are no suds just  very gentle

non drying, non irritation for the face cleansing agent.  That one statement says it all

and sets the tone for the rest of the products.  Just a suggestion, but something to think

about when presenting.


Hope you find this power point useful.  If at any time you would like to do another call and all attending

are at their computers we can go through the slides one by one for those that might need just some help

on presenting as each slide comes up.  I especially like to go over the sunscreen chart on the DPE product

when it comes up. If you think that would work I would be very happy to do that.


I hope you do not mind but I added one more attachment.  When I designed this for the self-preserving I

sent a copy to Dr. McDonald for his opinion.  He said it was the best short version he had seen to explain

the liquid crystal technology.  It just helps non members to understand a little bit better with a visual they can

relate to.


Thanks for letting me share with your group!


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 8/2/2011 at 10:20 AM wrote:



Thank you so much for  being on the call this morning.  You were absolutely awesome.  I and my team really appreciate your help. 

Please send me the ingredients list and spa slides.


We'll see you at the convention.

Sheila Dancho
Global Energy Team Leader
USANA Million Dollar Club Member
(204) 266-3066


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If you do not wish to receive further emails from this person, all you have to do is click here to reject any future mailings.


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Version: 10.0.1390 / Virus Database: 1518/3810 - Release Date: 08/04/11