Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Global Energy Team Polo Shirts now available to order

Hey GET!


For years I have been talking about having the GET wear the same Polo Shirts at the international convention and other USANA events. This is the year we are going to do it. I am so pumped and excited to have us all sit together at the opening ceremonies with our matching team polos on. We will standout in the sea of people.


I and many other team members have been searching for polo shirts that would match a shade of green that is in ours business cards and we have found it. Ruth Schappert, on our team, supplies sports wear with embroidery to sports teams and one of her suppliers OGIO has a polo shirt that comes in 'shock green'. OGIO carries excellent quality apparel. In fact USANA deals with them. I can't believe it’s end of June and I need all the orders within 7 days so we need to act quickly.



The polo shirts front left side will have the GET logo embroidered on it. I don't have a sizing chart as of yet but I have requested one be set to me by Ruth and/or OGIO.


Cost men’s and ladies sizes s - xl with embroidery and taxes is $78.38 for xxl or xxxl cost is $80.62

I will be taking the orders and ordering the polo shirts by July 4. The total amount will go on my credit card and you will need to mail me checks. If you live in MB, you can pick up the polo shirts from me before convention. If you live out of MB, I will be bringing your polo shirts with me to give to you at convention.


Even if you aren’t attending the international convention but would like a team polo feel free to order one today.


Please email me asap what how many polos you need and what size.


Dream Big!


Sheila Dancho

Dr. Wentz Vision Award Finalist

Million Dollar Club  Member



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