Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Online Business Bootcamp 2016 with Anna Lozano

Hello Global Energy Team


My very good friend Anna Lozano, USANA Diamond director, 3 time Top 25 Growers in North America,  is providing a dynamite online training – Business Bootcamp 2016.  She can help you elevate your business to the next level and experience more growth, more income, more impact and more clarity.   In this 3-hour Online Bootcamp she will be teaching you the Skills + Emotional Intelligence +Time Management + Habits + Online Branding Techniques + Creating a Thriving Team Culture that will allow you to achieve solid results in your business.  This training will be offered only once this year on Sunday, January 16.   If you want to learn more and register today please click the link below.



Empowering Your Dreams J


Sheila Dancho

(204) 266-3066




Monday, December 14, 2015

Annual Price and Exchange-Rate Adjustments Coming in January

Hello Global Energy Team,

You may or may not have received this email from USANA regarding price and commission changes.  I case you haven't I am sending it out to the team associates.  Please contact you Preferred Customers to give them a heads up.

Wealth & Wellness,

Sheila Dancho



From: USANA Health Sciences []
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:22 PM
Subject: Annual Price and Exchange-Rate Adjustments Coming in January


USANA Health Sciences

Time for 2016 Annual Adjustments

Dear Sheila,

Price changes are continual in most businesses, but not yours. Because we review and adjust prices at the beginning of every year to give your business the stability it needs.

We know annual adjustments really impact your business, so we wanted you to have advanced notice about the plan for 2016.

This year's adjustments will be effective January 30 at 12:01 a.m. MST (UTC -7). Updated pricelists will be provided ahead of time so you can identify affected products. Over the next few days, we will notify your teammates and customers of the upcoming pricing adjustments, but please consider reaching out to them, too.

Also on January 30, we will increase your market's commission exchange rate to 1.30. This more closely aligns your rate with the rest of our global markets—creating a fair, seamless compensation plan for the whole USANA family.

Prices may change, but our commitment to you never waivers. Everything we do is focused on empowering you to find health and happiness—and share it with the world.

Love life and live it,


You are receiving this e-mail because in the past you turned to USANA Health Sciences as an Independent Associate or a Preferred or Retail Customer to meet your nutritional supplement and personal-care product needs. We respect your privacy and your preferences for communications of this nature. If you'd rather not receive e-mails from us, please click this link to unsubscribe. If you feel this newsletter was delivered to you in error, or that you may have been included in an unsolicited mailing, please report this incident immediately to


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

USANA growth challenge - opt in to win for Silver Director or below - compete within your territory only

Hello Global Energy Team,


I am forwarding Susanne Cunningham's email to you because this is a very exciting contest that USANA has put together for you to help energize you to grow your business to new heights as we wind up 2015 and begin 2016.  Please opt in and challenge yourself to grow.


See you at the top,

Sheila Dancho



Begin forwarded message:

From: Susanne Cunningham <>
Date: November 16, 2015 at 3:50:26 PM MST
To: Being LASERFocused AEIOUY Cruise directors <>
Subject: growth challenge

New Leader Growth Challenge

If you're a Silver Director or below, we have an amazing challenge for you.

We want to see how much you can grow your business in 13 weeks with the New Leader Growth Challenge.

After you opt in, challenge yourself to exceed your Commission Volume Points (CVP) from August 8, 2015–November 6, 2015 against November 7, 2015–February 5, 2016.

The top five Associates from each of the six regions* with the highest amount of CVP growth will earn entry to the Canadian National Celebration and a $250 CA travel voucher. Associates residing in Ontario may exchange their travel voucher for $250 worth of USANA products at the Celebration.

Best of all, you'll receive special recognition at the Awards Gala.

You'll need to have a minimum of 1,000 CVP growth to be eligible for prizes.

To participate, all you have to do is send an email to with your ID number using "opt in" for the subject line.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today, and make the most of the next 13 weeks.
*The six Canadian regions are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan/Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick/Nova Scotia/Prince Edward Island/Newfoundland and Labrador/Northwest Territories/Nunavut/Yukon


Susanne Cunningham


"You deserve your dreams… make them important everyday."

204-899-6193 (text me)





Thursday, November 5, 2015

50% off tickets till Friday for 7th Annual GoPro Recruiting Mastery Event - Live in Las Vegas Dec 1-4th, 2016

Hi Global Energy Team, 

Your invited to attend 7th Annual GoPro Recruiting Mastery Event – live in Las Vegas Dec 1 – 4th 2016.  I know that is more than a year away but Michael Bennett has just returned from the 2015 event and has purchased a large group of tickets half price for only $300 USD till Friday.  After Friday the tickets will sell for $600 USD.  This is a phenomial price and I would love to have as many of GET attend.  Please read the email below from Michael for the benefits of attending this amazing event.  If you are interested email me back or you can email Michael directly.

Sheila Dancho


From: Michael Bennett []
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 8:27 PM
Subject: 7th Annual GoPro Recruiting Mastery Event - Live in Las Vegas Dec 1-4th, 2016


Hi Sheila, 


The main purpose of GoPro Mastery event is to educate and develop leaders, showing them how to act in a more professional and skillful way, to empower you to step up to your full potential. The goal is to raise the bar of the Network Marketing Profession.This is event is all about stepping up your game and becoming a Network Marketing Professional!!


There were 8000 Network Marketers from 100 different countries and 100 different companies. Its a very safe learning environment to bring your team and anyone you know who is in the Network Marketing Industry. The GoPro event is a strict "No Prospecting Zone" and focuses on sharing great ideas on how to take the whole profession to a higher level. 


There was more then 100 "million dollar a year" income earners and around 1,000 six figure income earners in attendance. Tony Robbins Robert Kiyosaki, and Bob Proctor were also there, and gave it everything to support us in our journey of Network Marketing. 


A few things I personally took away from this 4 day generic Network Marketing event were:


1. A MUST to ATTEND LIVE! ( I watched via live stream last year and I did not get nearly get the same kind of development as I did by attending live)

2.Plan-Do-Review ( follow this formula daily and you will master the areas of your business that are not working like you want them to)

3. Start taking responsibility of your business! (this is YOUR business, no one else's responsibility but yours)

4.We need to mastery our Story! ( become masterful at sharing your story with others. Remember, people are buying you not your opportunity.) 

5. Most talked about book amongst all the 7 figure income earners was "Think And Grow Rich". (The people in Network Marketing who are growing fast and having positive results in their business are all attending events and working on themselves.)

6.Power of Social Media ( Social Media can work for you or against you. Clean up your facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts, you are representing YOU and remember people are buying YOU not your product. Be consistent in your posts. If you are all about health and fitness, then post those kinds of pictures. Talking negative, or posting stuff that has nothing to do with what you are up to in life brings no value to what you are creating in the world.)

7.Mastery of your own mental and emotional state. (This business is 80% psychology 20% mechanics.)

8.Trade your expectations for appreciations and it will put you in a grateful state.

9. There is something to be said about being at a LIVE event with thousands of people who are just like you and going through the same struggles and success as you, and be able to rub shoulders with them, ask them questions, and connect with people who are as committed as you are to living a life on your own terms.)

10. Personal Development! ( Never stop learning! Success leaves clues - Success is something you attract by the person you are becoming


Ticket prices for this event are $300 USD until this Friday November6th. After Friday the ticket prices go up! This is a tax right off for personal development for your business. You will be emailed a tax receipt as soon as we receive the funds. 


I encourage each of you to attend this business mindset changing event and bring at least one team member with you. You want them to have the same experience as you. "The secret to Living is Giving"



In Great Health, 


Michael Bennett

CEO of my own life! 







Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fw: new message



New message, please read


Shalini Bodani

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Cold Market Live Leads Training! with USANA Patti Roney

Hi Global Energy Team

 Want your business to grow but you are feeling that you exhausted all your family and friends?  Then consider cold market leads to expand your business.  Listen in on the following training by Patti Roney to learn more tonight.


Empowering Your Dreams J


Sheila Dancho

(204) 266-3066



From: Patti Roney []
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 12:01 AM
To: Dancho, Sheila
Subject: USANA Tuesday Night Webinar - Live Leads Training!


Hi Sheila!




Hosted by Patti Roney, 


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

7:00 p.m. MST


How do you talk to a stranger who wants to know more about USANA? What system of follow-up should you use? Learn more about this powerful way of increasing your list of clients!


Speaker is Patti Roney who has trained Internet Marketing for 8 years and used leads as part of her toolbox for going Silver, Gold, Ruby & Emerald Director.


For Webcast…

1 (917) 338-1451

Meeting ID: 939-821-294  For use with Mobile App  (Mobile App doesn’t allow videos, so you won’t see these during pre-event.)





Instructions: You will need to make sure you have the best Flash Player installed.  Also, if you use Google Chrome or Safari, you don’t seem to get booted out of the room, as you do with Internet Explorer.


Flash Player Beta 11.9 Mac version

Download plug-in for Mac OS X 


Flash Player Beta 11.9 for Windows

Download active-x for Windows – for Internet Explorer only


Download plug-in for Windows – for all other browsers


Or visit this site for more information and options 


Changing Lives - Your Health, Your Life, Your Way!

Patti Roney
Dr. Wentz Vision Award
Million Dollar Club
USANA IDC 2010-2012, 2014-2015
Emerald Director & International Trainer

Children’s Champion Award

Teamwork Award

Growth 100

Fortune 100

Premier Platinum Pacesetter


















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 Remove me from your mailing list:
 Report this as unsolicited e-mail:


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Kristy Plourde USANA pregnancy testimony - she posted on the GET Facebook page

Hey Global Energy team!


For those of you that don't know, we are expecting a baby in December!! I wanted to let you all know that I've been feeling amazing, with energy to spare. I've been taking the USANA prenatal vitamins along with Biomega and calcium. It's been challenging to eat everything I'm supposed to for the baby but it makes me feel better to know that my supplements are filling the gaps! I'm available if anyone would like to talk to me about being pregnant and taking the prenatals :)



Kristy Plourde


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ñàìîãîí äîìà! Òåïåðü ýòî âîçìîæíî!...

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Free webinar worth listening to - Magic Words – please watch short video before the webinar



From: Sonia Stringer []
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 2:17 PM
Subject: Magic Words – please watch short video before the webinar


Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

Interesting Image


Hello there,


It's Sonia Stringer, with an email to confirm you're registered for the upcoming  

"Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring" webinar training…


If you're feeling frustrated because people don't take you (or your biz opportunity seriously), you're going to love this training!


Your webinar dates are below.


Event Name: "The Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring"

Event Date & Time: Monday, September 28 at 1:00 PM (Pacific) 


(If you need help converting this time to your own time zone - please use this link:


At the date/time above - use this link below to join me in the webinar room:


To Access The Webinar: Click Here


This session should run about 75 min. You'll want to be sure to carve out enough time because you'll want to be there for the Q and A session at the end.


Also - before you come to the webinar, I highly encourage you to watch this short video.


It will only take a few minutes, and if you do, you'll…


1. Pick up a "million dollar" insight that can help you instantly recruit more people into your team


2.  Know if this upcoming webinar is right for you and worth your time


(I know how busy you are, and this will help you know for sure if you really want to attend this session).


You can watch it here now, and I'll check back soon…







PS:  PLEASE NOTE: Because this training is designed to be interactive  -  there's NO REPLAY available, so be sure to join us live.


If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Savvy Biz Solutions, Inc. 12925 El Camino Real, #114 San Diego, California 92130 United States