Friday, April 3, 2020

Facebook Post using USANA product shareable links

I am sending you one my Facebook Post which shares valuable information on the benefit of taking Vit C and encourages the reader to purchase Poly C or Proflavanol.  This post demonstrates how to use the USANA product shareable links.  Feel free to copy this post, change the shareable link to your link so the readers will purchase from you and post this to your page.


Please email me back if you found this email helpful and would like to see more examples of how I use shareable links.


Stay Healthy,

Sheila Dance




"All patients who received IV of Vitamin C improved and there was no mortality….. Compared to the average of a 30-day hospital stay for all Covid-19 patients, those patients who received high dose IVC had a hospital stay about 3-5 days shorter than the overall patients."👈


If they're treating patients with high doses of Vitamin C then we should be on vitamin C to prevent & improve immunity, right? 🍊😷


USANA supplements are produced with the highest quality ingredients that undergo rigorous quality and potency testing, ensuring you get exactly what is on the label.
Quality Guaranteed 

🍊 Poly C® is 5 times more effective than Ascorbic Acid (ascorbic acid is the most common form of Vit C used in other supplements).

🍇 Proflavanol® C100 combines Grape seed extract with Poly C to protect cells and enhance your body's normal immune function. It is even more effective that Vit C alone.


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about how to improve your immunity and supporting small business when shopping! I am truly grateful 💜


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