Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Eric Worre - Day 8 Week 2 Favorite Conversations. Set Up Work Sessions


Day 8  Week 2   Growing in Confidence, Mindset, Taking Action

Progress is Perfection!  No Guilt   No Shame


Eric's Favorite Conversations with Prospects

1st question:   Have you ever started your own business?

Or....Have you ever thought of starting your own business?

All markets

Or....Tell me what it's like to start a business


2.  If no..... Why not?  Why haven't you started your own business?  (Listen)

(Most people would want to go into business for themselves....but they don't have

a good product or service to offer....or it's too scarey and a risk for their comfort and family....


The average small business costs $55,000 to set up.  Get loans.

Or not sure if they have the talent to grow a business


3.  If "yes"   How did it go?  What did you learn?  Are you still doing it?

Would you recommend someone else to do what you do?  Did it cost more than expected?

Did it take longer to make a profit?   Complement on their courage and taking charge of their life.  Taking the risk.

You've always seen them in charge of their life.

(Creating a conversation)


4.  If I.....would you?   That's why I wanted this conversation, because I have always seen you building your own empire.  You are more powerful than to have a boss.   Let me ask....If there was a way to start a business with a low cost entry....the product is taken care of....great support...flexible....no employees....don't have to risk your family,.    If there was a way, would you be interested in learning more about it? 


If I could show you the benefits of business ownership without the normal risks, would you be interested to learn more?  I see you as a person in charge of your own life.


For Pro athletes....they are used to being cool and signing autographs.  Congrats on your career.

None of your skills will work with this business to make you a fortune.  But if you put in the same

work you put into hitting the top in sports, you will do well.  But most want to sign up and hope their notoriety

will put them on top.  Advantages mean nothing without the work.  Do you want to make money or get more "likes"?


Your posture changes as you go through numbers.  You have the gift.  Shift your posture....I have a vehicle which may be for you or not, but join me and you can make some money.  Something BIG which requires going back to training camp.


Challenge for Today:  Have one of these business conversations with five people in the next 24 hours.  At least one!!!!

Get out of your head.  Follow instructions.  Do the work!


Angel Fletcher (She was broke, had nothing...is a multi millionaire now)


Identify the triggers where you get stuck.  Find people to work with...a work session for you and them

It is scaleble and sustainable.


Do work sessions two times in the day.....go through the tasks, have conversations, this keeps you all accountable.


5 by 5   5 tasks a day that can be done in 15 minutes


1. Find 5 new prospects every day - don't prejudge them - they don't know what you do

they can't be on another list too

Go to public groups and go to their list and contact them.....


2.  5 new conversations....not those same people....can be from yesterday's list

By the end of the day, touch 25 people.  Be consistent.  It's easy to teach and to learn

Hey....saw you in that group.  How is your weight loss going?  Find a connection

Never send a photo in Messenger....do it on your FB post with a tag so that they scroll

and post on your wall. 


3.  5 new exposures ....  share a tool ....  expose your product or opportunity

Comment on their walls....


4. Track in a notebook or a spreadsheet...what works best for you


5.  5 Follow ups .....  circle back around to continue to the next conversation.....

checking back on them....build depth in the relationship


6.  5 Decisions every day...solid yes or solid no 


Work Sessions:  30 minutes morning and evening....you are showing up for them, which means you won't get stuck, nor will they!


Discussions:  What are we saying?  Doing?  Be authentic.  This is not cut and paste messages.

People need you to show up and be consistent and teach the same things, be accountable.

Tiny teaching nuggets in the 5x5 sessions....keeps momentum going.  It's duplicatable.


An app for follow up...drive retention through the roof..... Hit em up

e.g. skin care, weight loss, personal development program

Can create templates ...send reminders....

Create a system with your own customers..to create habits

Monday Motivation direct text messages .....8 a.m.  10:30 am.  noon  2:30  5:30 same ones each day,

week after week


For those no longer on the product, set them aside as cheer leaders....text out updates

You have to set up the systems....slow down to do it and then run


Make lists.....e.g. with a 7 day product...   RESET.....

Get everybody's phone numbers.....tell them to register for your birthday program with their ph. number to send personal messages    Register for give aways with their phone number

Linktree calls for cell ph. numbers.... You want control to send text messages from your iphone,

not from FB Messenger where FB has control.


Determin what is the end result....track your numbers...growth percentage, personal and your organization

Do this every month.  new customers .... new Associates

Now you can project your income and rank advancement this way....

When to take vacations in a high month


You are CEO of your business.  Build on facts, numbers and projections....

Just take the time to do it.  Build it into your systems for your team.

Moves from duplication to multiplying   Numbers don't lie

You know what you have to do every day....Do 5 of each task....


Remember the Challenge for Today:  Have one of these business conversations that Eric Worre shared, with five people in the next 24 hours.  Have at least one!!!!

Get out of your head.  Follow instructions.  Do the work!



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